He loves her

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Chris Dixon x reader

Chris Dixon.

The name that would capture her attention. She was a simple girl, she had dreams and passion. To Chris, she was his life.

Out of all the girls in their small city, She was the one to make his heart flutter.

He knew when she was sad because of the change of tone in her voice

"Hey Y/n, how's you're day?" Chris asked, holding the phone close to his ear. Y/n, on the other line, wiped a tear and weakly said, "It was fine.." "Y/n? What happened?" Chris said, a mix of worry and sad in his voice. "Nothing.." "I'll be over there in a bit"

He knew loves the things she hates about her

"Babe, why don't you smile often?" Chris said, turning off his phone and drawing his attention to the girl laying besides him, Y/n frowned and said, "I hate my smile" "Oh N/n.." Chris started, pulling her closer, "Your smiles are the brightest, I love them, they always make me smile as well. There's no need to be ashamed of it, love" He said in a soft voice. "You really think so?" Y/n asked, Chris looked down and smiled, "Of course I do"

He looks at her like no one does

"Chris?" Harry said, snapping Chris' attention. "I'm sorry, what?" Chris said, slightly embarrassed. Harry laughed and playful punched his arm, "Nothing, I see you're too busy staring at Y/n" Chris laughed and looked at her again.

But most of all, He would do anything for her.

Chris loves her and he wants to be with her every single day. He wants to spend his life with her.

He loves her.

I suck at writing imagines. lol

I'll be updating soon x

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