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requested? yes, thank you xo

"Can I request a Ben Morris imagine? I would like a cute little imagine where him and the reader go on a date. It could be them going bowling or to an arcade or something like that?"

I, personally, like this request! It's super cute and fluffy❤️

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"hey" Ben greeted as she opened the door. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "hey, Ben"

Ben blushed as she closed her door, "let's go?" Ben asked, stretching his hand out for her. She giggled and nodded, grabbing onto his hand.


Ben took her to an amusement park, still holding her hand as they walk inside.

Ben looked at her and over to the booths, "ready to get your ass beaten, L/n?" he smirked.

She laughed and stuck her tongue out, "get ready for your ass to get beaten, Morris!"


"No fair!" Ben whined as the man handed her a stuffed animal. She laughed and handed it over to Ben, "you can have him if you want" she smiled.

Ben pouted, "Can I really have this bear?"

"Of course, Ben!" she giggled and Ben grabbed it out from her grasp. She giggled and looked around, her eyes then landing on a stuffed unicorn.

Ben looked up to the direction she was looking at and smiled.


"This one's for you, Y/n" Ben said as he handed her the stuffed unicorn. Her eyes light up, like a child's on Christmas, and she looked up to Ben.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much, Ben!" she said, excitement shooting out from her. She hugged Ben and kissed his cheek, making Ben blush.

"Anything for you, princess"


"Wanna go up there?" Ben asked, pointing to a ferris wheel. She laughed, hooking her arm with Ben's. "you just want me to kiss you when we get stuck at the top"

Ben frowned and pats her head, "maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong"

She playfully rolled her eyes and laughed, "of course you do, Morris"

Ben laughed and scratched the back of his neck, "I'm cheesy, I know"

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "That's what I love about you"


Ben walked her up to her flat and they had their hands connected to each other the whole time.

As they reach her flat, she looked at Ben through her lashes.

"Thank you for the unicorn and this day, Ben. I loved every single moment of it" she softly said, squeezing his hand gently.

Ben leaned down and kissed her forehead, "like I said, anything for you, princess"

She smiled, "do you still want that kiss on top of the ferris wheel?"

Ben's eyes light up and his smile widens, "very much, yes"

"Well..." she tip toes, reaching Ben's height. She swings her arms around his neck and presses her lips gently on his.

Ben wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

That very moment they shared, they felt a connection and spark between them.

im so sorry if this sucked

【Sidemen and friends imagines】Where stories live. Discover now