I'm sorry

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Lewis Redman x reader

Ah, young love. Always sweet, always temporary. That was my case. In an early age, I got pregnant with someone's child. That someone is no other than the Redman himself, Lewis.

I was his cure and he was my disease, I was saving him; and he was killing me.

He promised to be with me throughout my pregnancy. Now? He just wants to abort the child.

"Please baby, I'm too young for this" He says through the phone. My blood began to boil and my tears began to fall down my cheeks. "Don't 'baby' me! You were the one that got me pregnant! And now you want to abort this child!? What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shouted. I heard him sigh and the next words struck my heart, "I'm sorry Y/N. I just can't"

And with that, He hung up. My whole world began spinning, my knees became weak. I took a step backward and the back of my knee hits the edge of the bed softly. Crying, I sit down and hold my baby bump.

"Don't worry, Little Angel, you're safe with mummy"

// 2 years later //

"Louis! Come here" I called out for my 2 year old son, He walking slowly while looking at the men that were playing football, He looks at me and smiled. I went to him and kneeled down. "You like football, don't you?" I said in a soft voice. He giggled and nodded. "Just like your daddy" "Dada!" He shouted. I giggled and nodded, "Yes, Louie, Da-da!"

"Oh! Watch out, Lewis!" A voice shouted. I looked behind the railings and saw a man with a blindfold hit the rails. "Ow!" He cries in pain. Some men come over him and took off his blindfold. "Oh shit man!" The boy, with a blue jumper, said.

"We need to call an amublance" The taller one, with dirty blonde hair, said. "You wanna help them, Lou?" I asked. He nodded and giggled. I stood up and cleared my throat

"Excuse me?" I said, they turned to me and the boy that ran into the metal rails had his eyes closed. "I'm a nurse, Can I see him?" I said. "Yeah, sure" The breaded one said. I looked over Louis and smiled "Well, hello there Lil' guy" A black man with a sweet voice said. Keeping Louis company.

I kneeled down next to the man and examined his cut. "Why did you even do that in the first place?" I whispered. "It was for a challenge" He said, gulping. I noticed that the other boys crowded my son and I smiled. Looking back at the man, laying in the grass, My heart began to beat faster.

"I'm calling an ambulance, Are you alright? Can you open your-" "Y/N" He whispered, opening his eyes. A familiar set of brown orbs looking at me. "-Eyes" I breathed out, finishing my sentence.

"Y/N.. You are so beautiful.. Is-is that my son? Our son?" He said, sitting up. I look over Louis and he was busy laughing with the other boys. Looking back at Lewis, I nodded.

"That's Louis" "You-you named him after me?" He asked, tilting his head. I blinked away tears and laughed quitely.

"I'm calling an ambulance" I said, as I took my phone out. Dialing for an ambulance. After the call, I look back a Lewis.

"Hey, they'll be here in 5" I said. "Oh, Look at you, you're a nurse like you always wanted." He said, looking at me. I smiled and looked over my son "If it weren't for Louis.."

"I'm sorry.." Lewis said, grabbing my hand. I squeezed his hand and shook my head, "No need, Lew. I understood why you wanted to do that, You were young and you had dreams, I didn't want to ruin them"

"No, I'm sorry. You were my dream. Having a child with you is just so amazing, I mean-" He looks over Louis "-look at our little boy, He's so beautiful and- shit, I'm sorry Y/N. I just miss you, so much"

I look at him and smiled. I heard the sirens and helped him up "I miss you too, Lewi"

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