Project M.N.T.R

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simon x reader 

"Dr. Barn, what am I looking at?" she said as Dr. Barn puts the code to the room the subject was in. The glass in front of her became clear, letting her see Subject 001. He was sitting in the corner of the room with his hands on his head, a dark smoke was circling around his frame.

"001 is going through something we can't detect yet" he said as he scribbled down something on his clipboard. She nibbled on her pen as the subject lifted his head up, looking at her direction. "Uh, doc?"

"hm?" Vik hummed, still writing on the clipboard. "he can't see me from inside, right?" she said as the subject smiled at her weakly. She heard Dr. Barn laugh, "other subjects can't but he can" he said as he sets his pen on his chest pocket. He typed in some codes and she blinked.

Seconds later, the subject was banging on the glass at her direction. 

"GET ME OUT OF HERE YOU DUMB MORTALS" he shouted, his eyes were pure black and his voice was disoriented. Vik tugged her hand and she stepped away, mesmerized by him. The glass became dull again but she can still hear him roughly hitting on it.

She looked at Vik with a heavy breath, "w-what is he?"

"he's an element" Dr. Barn said and guided her in to the elevator.


Simon clenched his hands into fists as his eyes twitch. He couldn't control the thing inside him, he couldn't control his own body. He can feel it swirling in his heart, messing up his mind, and taking over him. 

This dark element. 

"s-stop" he croaked out. Like a computer, he was glitching. Twitching here and there. He wanted it to stop. He wanted to see sunlight again, to see the stars again, to see her again. 


"subject 001 has a dark element in him and we can not control it" the top scientist, Dr. Brown, said as he typed on his computer. Some of the subject's personal data came up the screens and she started to swipe on them. 

"Simon Edward Minter" Dr. Olatunji said as he scanned through his files. "says here he was a professional footballer in London" he added, clearly impressed. "why this dude? the element could've pick anyone else but why him?"

Y/n sighed as the rest brainstorm. She came across a picture of the subject and a girl. She was facing him, so she couldn't really see her face, and Y/n saw the happiness shooting through Simon's eyes. 

"Dr. L/n?" Josh, a researcher and a good friend of hers, cuts her train of thoughts off. She closed the file and turned to him. "yes?"

Josh looks over to his fellow researchers, Ethan and Harry, as they give her a small tablet. "what's this?" she asked, seeing a clip of the subject in it. She pressed play and the subject was walking around, twitching and seemed very unsteady. "he speaks about this "mortal being" and completely loses it" Harry said as the clip shows Simon hitting his own head and his eyes turn black. He looks at the camera and says, "where's my mortal?"

from there, the clip was cut off by statics. She looked at the boys and furrowed her eyebrows, "do you think we should-"

"no, Dr. L/n, I know what you're about to do and-" she cuts off Dr. Brown by raising her hand up. "I believe we have nothing to lose"

"but Y/n. . ." Dr. Barn frowned as she looked at him. ". . .we could lose you"


"systems, ready?" Dr. Olatunji said through her earpiece. She zipped her suit and nodded. Vik pats her helmet and smiles, "be safe out there, okay?" he said and she smiled back. The door opens and she stepped inside the subject's room. 

It was bright but filled with tension. As the door closes behind her, she felt his presence in front of her. "help me" he croaked out as his eyes slowly turn black. She reached out but he quickly dodged it away.

"i'll hurt you!" he shouted, his voice getting disoriented. She shook her head as she stepped forward, Simon looked at her and tears ran down his cheeks. "I'll hurt you again" he whispered and she tilted her head, "w-what do you mean?"

Simon's eyes turn black and another dark cloud circled around her, "Dr. L/n! Get-" static "-out of the-" static "-get out of there!!"

she looked at him with fear as darkness start to devour them. 

"I'm so sorry, Y/n"

"Y/n, get back me!" Simon said as an unknown being walks towards them. She clung on to Simon's hand and he smiled weakly at her, "it's gonna be okay. I promise" he assured.

The figure launches itself directly at them and Simon squeezes her hand before pushing her aside, "I love you and I'm sorry" he said as the thing goes through him. Y/n's head bumped on a rock and she laid there, unconscious. 

Simon felt it take over him.

Y/n opened her eyes and gasped for air. She looked around but she could only see darkness, she panted as she pressed her earpiece. "h-hello?" she called out but got no answer. She heard crying and she whipped her head to the direction from where it was coming. 

She saw Simon. He was kneeling on both his knees with his hands covering his face as he sobbed. "Si?" she called out, standing up. She walked towards him and she heard a growl but it wasn't from Simon nor from her. It was from the darkness surrounding them. 

"I'm a monster. . ." she heard him mumble. "I did nothing correct with my life and now. . ." Simon looks at her, his eyes more vibrant blue than before but it was covered in regret and pain. ". . .I almost killed the girl I love" he said and tears flowed down his cheeks.

She ignored the growling and ran to him. As she dropped on her knees, she hugged him tightly. Simon stiffened at the touch but soon relaxed when she rubbed his back, "Simon, it's gonna be okay. . ." she said as she buried her face in Simon's shoulder. She pulled away and wiped his tears, her own eyes becoming glossy. 

"how can we be sure of that?" he breathed out. She smiled, "I promise" she said and kissed his lips. 


"Dr. L/n" 

she opened her eyes and saw Tobi, Vik, JJ, Josh, Ethan, and Harry looking at her. She adjusted to the light around the room and heard a heart monitor. "Doc, what you did back there. . . you could have died" JJ said and she blinked a couple more times, "w-where's Simon?"

Vik smiled and patted her head before stepping away. Laying on another bed was Simon. He had a tube on his nose that connected to oxygen and a couple of bandages on his limbs. She let out a breathy laugh, "did we do it?" she asked.

"yes, yes we did. Project M.N.T.R was a success, Doctor" Tobi said as the other congratulated her and everybody else. She looked at Simon and smiled, Simon smiled back at her and mouthed the words, 'I'm proud of you, love'

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