The Harold Song

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Harry x reader

|| I miss your soft lips, I miss your white sheets
I miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek
And this is so hard 'cause I didn't see
That you were the love of my life and it kills me ||

"Harry! Stop it!" I giggled as he continues to kiss my neck. "Aren't you ticklish?" He teased, tickling my sides. I squirmed around and he pressed his chin on my neck, his small facial hair, scratching it.

|| I see your face in strangers on the street
I still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep
And in the limelight, I play it off fine
But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light ||

"Ha-" I stopped my word when I realised the man in front of me wasn't Harry. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, but his smile was nothing compared to Harry's

"Harry" I called out, feeling tears in my cheeks. I jolt my eyes open and looked around, "It's just a dream Y/n" I mumbled, fixing my hair.

|| They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me
Young love murder, that is what this must be
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone
Alone ||

"I'm fucking leaving!" He shouts and slammed the door. I leaned in the wall and cry. Was this actually true love?

|| The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed
Young love murder, that is what this must be
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone
Alone ||

"Harry!" I growled. He looked at me, with pitiful eyes and smirked. He pushed me away and continued to flirt with a girl.

|| Remember the time we jumped the fence when
The Stones were playing and we were too broke to get in
You held my hand and they made me cry while
I swore to God it was the best night of my life ||

"Come on, love" He whispered, helping me up to jump over the fence. "Harry, Is this okay?" I whispered back. He nodded and I jumped over the fence. "Let's go" He giggled.

|| Or when you took me across the world
We promised that this would last forever but now I see
It was my past life, a beautiful time
Drunk off of nothing but each other 'til the sunrise ||

"It's so beautiful" I said in awe as we landed in Paris. "Nothing compared to you, love" He said, kissing my lips.

|| They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me
Young love murder, that is what this must be
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone
Alone ||

"Oh, hey" I smiled as Harry looked at me. His eyes widen to see me wearing a dress he didn't want me to wear when we were still together. "H-hey" He said, looking at me up and down, I smiled and Freezy came over, "Ah, I see you've met Harry, babe" "I did, he was-" I looked at him as he gripped his drink "-a college friend"

|| The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed
Young love murder, that is what this must be
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone
Alone ||

"I miss you" He said, kissing my shoulders. I shivered at his touch and gently pushed him away, "I miss you too, Harold. But you have to know, I'm with Freezy now and HE makes me happy" I said and walked away.

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