Let me start over

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Vik x reader

Guys, before you start reading, please read with care. I don't want anyone to be triggered by this, m'kay? x

4 days after the incident. The incident which cause her to be scared, depressed, and suicidal. She haven't eaten much nor spoke to anyone, especially Vik.

She was scared for her life, She was scared for her baby's life. Vik's baby. She knew not eating enough was bad for her baby, but who cared? No one did. Not even Him.

|| Flashback ||

"Vik!" She shouted, jolly filling her up, waving the envelope as she entered the Sidemen house. She just got back from her doctor's appointment and well? She's 3 months pregnant. She couldn't be more happy.

She ran up to Vik's room and opened the door.

But, Vik was asleep. Asleep with another girl, his arms snaked around her waist, her head on Vik's bare chest and clothes scattered around the room.

She dropped the envelope and tears pooled her eyes.

|| End of flashback ||

She was scared of loving again, Vik promised to never hurt her but..

Promises are meant to be broken

She was sitting in the corner of her flat, no heater to warm her. She pulled her knees to her chest and began to sob harshly.

She shut herself away from everyone, away from her family, away from Simon, Jide, Josh, Ethan, Tobi, and Harry. She isolated herself in a deep hole.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She didn't want to pick it up. She simply raised her head and looked at the screen.

Simon💪🏻; Y/n? Are you okay? Where are you? I am so worried. Please, text me back if you see this.
3 minutes ago

JJ😋; Love, where are you? I hope you're alright
12 minutes ago

Josh👨🏻; Hey N/n, I haven't seen you in ages. Where are you, princess?
4 minutes ago

Tobi😎; Y/n? Please pick up your phone. It's not good for you and your baby to starve, sweetie x
3 minutes ago

She smiled weakly, the boys knew what was going on. Ethan, who cared for her the most, even called her 23 times a day to make sure she's alright. But she never picked up.

Suddenly, there was a light and a squeak sound of the door opening. She gazed up and saw Vik. He had a sad expression and guilt flaming in hus brown eyes.

"Y/n.." He held up the envelope and the ultrasound.

"V-vik?" She breathed out, her eyelids became heavy and she passed out.

// timeskip by Simon's powers😂💦💦💦 //

A hand touched hers, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Vik holding her hand, in front of her hospital bed was Josh and Simon, JJ was sitting on the other side, Ethan was talking to a doctor and Tobi and Harry sat in the couch.

"Y/n?" Jide said. "How are you feeling, love?" Josh asked.

"I feel.. weak and tired" She whispered. Simon gave her a worried look.

"Ms. L/n suffered from dehydration and severe depression. But don't worry, the baby is alright" The doctor said before going out.

"How many months, N/n?" Harry asked. "3 months" She replied, frowning at Vik.

"Boys, let's give them time" Tobi said, all the 5 boys nodded and went outside.

"Y/n" "Vik"

"I'm sorry, so so sorry" He cried, Y/n looked down and felt tears in her eyes. "Vik..." "No, its all my fault. I did this to you! I did that!" He pointed at the heart monitor. "Vik, It's okay" "It's not, Y/n! I cheated! You should be mad! Be angry at me! Shout at me! Hit me! Be mad!" He shouted, tugging his hair.

She simply frowned and sighed, sitting up from her bed. She kissed the top of his head, "I know, Vik. But... I just can't" "Why are you so kind?" Vik sniffed, looking up to her E/C orbs.

She smiled and took Vik's hand, placing it on top of her small baby bump. "Vik.. You did this, we made life, Vik." She smiled. Vik looked at his hand and smiled.

"Can we... just start over again?" "Of course, Vikky"

He smiled and hugged her. She hugged back and smiled.

From that day on, Vik promised to never hurt her and never break any promises (clever, aye?😉)

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