"See what?"

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Harry x reader

requested? yes, thank you

Could you do another soulmate au with harry? Can you also add a major plot twist? Hehehe love this book and get well soon xoxoxoxo

I quietly groaned as I put my face in my hands. It was another long day at college and I sighed, looking at the clock. Only three minutes left... I thought.

School was finally over and I went outside the classroom, putting my hands in the pocket of my jumper.

"See ya' tommorrow, Sugg" I smiled as I waved at the younger Sugg sibling. He waved back and Caspar frowned, "How about me?" He whined. I giggled and ruffled his hair.

We seperate ways and I went down the hall. My attention snapped as I heard laughing, I looked over my shoulder and saw a group of boys. Not just any boys, they were the most popular ones to be exact. The Sidemen.

My big brother, Simon, was one of the leaders in the group but since he had a reputation to keep, he was being a dick whenever I was around.

To my surprise, he waves at me. I rolled my eyes and continued on walking to the doors.

"Y/n Minter! You get back here, right now!" He demanded. I sighed and turned to his direction. He was smiling like an idiot, that he always is, as he walking towards me with a boy to his side. The rest of his group went to the restroom.

"What do you want, Nimrod?" I scoffed. He glares at me and clears his throat, "Well, sister. I'd like you to meet Harry" he smiled.

My gaze fell on the boy. He was charming but I couldn't see his eye color.

Oh, did I mention we're all colorblind until we touch our soulmates? Yeah. Simon dated a lot of girls but he never found his soulmate.

"He's new around here" Simon added. Harry smiled and I nodded, "Soooo?" "So, I want you to take him around since you know, I kinda busy" I groaned. "Why can't Vik or Tobi take him?" "We're all busy, Y/n. Now be the good baby sister and do it" He smiled, running off.

Leaving Harry and I. Alone.

"Anyways, I'm Y/n Minter" I smiled, sticking my hand out. "I'm Harry Lewis" he replied, reaching out to my hand.

That's when it flashed before me. As our hands touch, I saw colors. Vibrant and geniune colors.

He looks at me weirdly and pulls his hand out, "D-don't you see them?" I asked, looking around in awe. He tilted his head and laughs, "You're being weird. See what?"

I froze. He couldn't see what I was seeing? How? What is happening? Wha-


I look at him, his eyes were blue. Sparkling blue orbs. "Y-you can't see them?" I asked again. He, once again, tilts his head, "I'm sorry but I don't know what you're saying, Y/n"

I back up a bit. Feeling something heavy in my shoulder and chest, Harry looks at me in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah!" I smiled, feeling tears prickling my eyes. "So, you still up for the tour?" I said, barely a whisper. He nods and smiles.

"See you tomorrow, then?" "Yeah" I replied.


"Lil' sis? What's wrong?" Simon asked as he peaks through my door. I buried my face further into my pillows, not wanting him to hear me crying.

I feel the edge of the bed dip and he strokes my back, "What's wrong?" "I can see colors, Si" I mumbled, looking at him. "You should be happy, what's wrong?" "Everything. Why can't Harry see them whilst I can?" I sighed, sitting up, my knees in my face.

Simon frowns and cooed me, "Maybe-" "Maybe what, Si? That's what supposed to happen. If I saw colors.. why can't he?"


"You look sad" Caspar whispered, putting a hand over my shoulder. I sighed as Joe catches up with us. "Hey... what's wrong?" Joe asked

"Nothing" I faintly smiled, looking at my watch. "Oh come on! We know youuuuuu" Caspar chuckled. I giggled and playfully rolled my eyes. "I'll meet with you guys at Chemistry" I said, heading to Harry's classroom. They nodded and we seperate ways.


"Stop it" A girl's voice laughed. I look inside the classroom and bit my lower lip. Harry was flirting with a girl. He was holding hands, putting small kisses on her, and whispering things.

I sighed and turned my heels around, "Y/n!" Harry shouted. Shit.

I heard footsteps and I looked around my shoulder, he was walking towards me. A big smile on his face.

"Ready?" I asked, trying to put on a smile. He nodded and I began.

--- timeskip: 3 months later ---

You up?

Why would Harry text me at this time? It's 2:31am. I unlocked my phone and rubbed my eye.


I replied, setting my phone back at the nightstand. I heard a knock at my window. "What the?" I whispered, looking at the window.

It was Harry, he was tapping on the window. I opened the window and let him in, "Haz? Why are you here?" I asked, closing the window.

He sits on my bed and huffed, "I think... I see them, Y/n"

"See what?" "The colors" he looks at me. "Oh, and with who?"


My heart flutters and I sit besides him, "H-how?" "Remember when we first met? When we first held hands? I saw them too. I was just afraid to tell you because of Katie"

I frowned, "Does she know that you're here?" "We broke up" He said. I look at my lap and remain silent.

"I saw your eyes, Y/n. They were sparkling (e/c) ones. It made me happy to see them, but I knew I was a dick that I didn't tell you" he rambled.

"You also have (hair color) hair, which suits you by the way" he smiles as I feel myself blush. "You have pink lips and you like the color blue" He said, referring to my jumper.

"I'm sorry for making things complicated" He said, putting a hand over mine.

I look at him, his eye were blue. Sparkling ones, just like when I first met him.

"I fought for you. I love you" he whispered, holding my hand.

"Haz, I love you too" I smiled.

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