Segway daredevil

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Tobi Brown x reader

*Again, sorry for crappy and short chapter*

"No Y/N! You'll fall off!" Vik shouted in between laughs. I shook my head and looked at the Segway down my feet. It was Harry's red one.

And we all know, He's fearless when it comes to this. "Y/N!!" Tobi shouted. I looked at them and saw the boys, Vik, Josh, JJ, Harry, Simon, Ethan, and Tobi, Signaling me to don't do it.

"No" Ethan said. I step my left foot on the the left side. "No don't do it" Harry said, covering his eyes. I took a deep breath and step the other one.

"No Y/N!" Simon shoued.

Before I knew it, I was falling. "OH SHIT!" Josh shouted. Tobi dashed towards me.

I closed my eyes, getting ready for impact.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" A familiar sweet voce said. I opened my eyes and saw Tobi. His hand supporting my back and the other on my waist.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. He laughed and shook his head.

"No more segways for you N/N" He said, helping me up. Putting his arm around me.

"Mate, your girlfriend's a daredevil" JJ said, laughing.

Tobi looked at me and chuckled.

"Oh, She is"


I know...


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