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Harry x reader

requested? yes, thank youuu xo

Harry fluff imagine please <3 maybe he's upset over something and you end up cuddling or something

"Haz?" Y/n called out as she entered Harry and the two Cals' flat. It was oddly quiet and cold.

She goes to the living room, putting her bag over the couch.

"Harry?" She called out, a bit louder. She went to Harry's room, knocking on the wooden door.

"Boggo? You in?"

"Leave me alone, N/n" came a muffled voice from the other side. She shook her head and opened the door.

"Harry, what's wrong?" She asked as soon as she saw Harry laying on his bed, wrapped in covers and layers of blanket.

"I let them down" he breathed out. She closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of his bed, besides him, "Who, Haz?"

"My fans, Y/n. I let them all down" he sighed. "No you didn't" she smiled, pushing the hair in his forehead up.

"How?" "Well, I'm your fan and I don't seem down" she said, brushing her thumb over his cheek.

"You may have missed a lot of upload schedule but you never let us down, you know?"

"I don't?" he beamed, a smile appearing on his lips. "No you do- Haz!" She laughed as Harry pulled her.

She was laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around her body. Her cheek was pressed against his chest, "Thank you, babe. You do know you make me happy?" He smiled

"I do?" she giggled. Harry laid her besides him and she immediately snuggled into his chest, "I love you" Harry said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, Harold"

"I love you more than most"

"Impossible!" She laughed, pecking his temple.

It's my birthday todayyy😂

Cheers x

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