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continuation of Silent

"Y/n, are you okay?" Simon asked.

She smiled at him and nodded, then she suddenly ran off the bathroom. Simon followed her and she collapsed in front of the toilet.

Simon held her hair as she vomits the food she ate last night.

Simon rubs her back as she barfs the last ounce of food from her stomach. "Are you okay?"

She looked at Simon and wiped her mouth, nodding. Simon kissed her forehead and guided her back to his bed.

"I'll go get you water" Simon said. She moved her hands,

Can you also bring me cake?

"Cake? Of course, love" he smiled and went out the room. She sighed and rubbed her stomach, looking over her bag, where the positive pregnancy test sat inside.

"What'll Simon think? Is he going to leave us?" she thought. Simon came back with a tray of water and cake.

He sat besides her and smiles, "hey, here you go"

She nods and grabs the tray, munching on the cake. Simon stands up and walks to his computer, scrolling through his twitter.

Something caught his eye that made him look towards her bag. He looks over to Y/n, who was still enjoying her cake.

He slides his chair towards her bag without Y/n noticing, he opens her bag and his eyes widen.

There was a white stick, with two pink lines in the middle. A pregnancy test. A postive pregnancy test.

Simon holds it and slowly turns his chair towards her, "y/n, w-what's this?" He asked.

She gulped and moved the tray away. She starts moving her hands fast, clearly panicking.

I'm sorry! I know you have a career and I understand if you'll leave me but Simon I'm preg-

"You're pregnant?" Simon asked, walking towards her.

Yes and I'm sorry

Tears start leaking down her face and Simon kneels in front of her, "you're sorry? For what?"

For being pregnant. We've been together for almost a year and-

"Y/n, I'm gonna be a dad, you're gonna be a mum" he calmly said, wiping her tears away. She looks at his eyes, moving her hands slowly.

You're not mad?

"Mad? Why would I be?" He smiled and hugged her, "I'm so happy, Y/n! Thank you!" he added and kissed her forehead.

I love you so much, Simon

Simon giggled and kissed her lips, moving his hands.

I love you too and the little us inside of you


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