Stayed At Home

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requested? yes, thank you x

Vik please! I was thinking the idea could be that the fans don't know we are dating and it's long distance and I surprise him by showing up at an event and like queuing in merch to meet him and surprise him. Does that make sense haha xx

that it's a very cute request btw

| i do not mean to offend anybody that is from Italy. I adore the country and culture and I wish to go to Italy someday. I used google translate |

"Hi there, sweetie" She greeted as Vik answered her skype call. It was 3am in the morning, a normal time for them to call and catch up with each other since it was the only time Vik was available. She saw Vik smile as he tiredly rubbed his eyes, "hello"

she propped her elbow on the desk, her chin on the palm of her hand. "how are you?"

Vik smiled and looked at her pixelated face on the screen. He admired everything about the simple Italian girl that he met online 5 months ago. The way her eyes light up whenever Vik  tells her a story, the way her hair falls whenever she throws her head back laughing, and the smile she always had whenever Vik answers her calls. 

"I just finished filming a video for the week. How about my favorite girl?" Vik asked, the dreamy look on his face not fading away. "I'm okay, I guess" he heard her sigh. "what's wrong, Y/n?"

"nothing, just tired." she smiled, looking at the train ticket besides the laptop. "are you sure? stop stressing yourself out, love" "you too, Vikram. You have an event tomorrow, remember?" she said. 

Vik frowned, "I know" "well? go get some rest, Vik. You need it" "but I-"

she pouted, "per favore?" Vik laughed and nodded. "Alright, you win! I'll call you tomorrow, okay? I love you" he said and waved at the camera. She giggled and nodded, "I love you too, Vikram"


As she waited in line, she bit her lower lip. She traveled all the way from Italy to London for Vik and she can't back out now, right? Thoughts filled her mind. What if Vik finds me ugly and actually dumps me? what if he's just faking it all? what if-

"miss, are you okay?" a voice came from behind. She turned and smiled at the girl, "yes, I'm just- I'm nervous" she said, her accent surfacing a bit. The girl smiled, "is this your first time meeting them?" she asked.

Y/n nodded and the girl giggled, "don't worry! they won't bite. Vik gives the warmest hug" she said. Y/n's heart flutters at the mention of his boyfriend's name. "r-really?"

"yeah!" the girl beamed.


"you're next, goodluck" the girl from behind her said and patted her back. Y/n smiled and walked towards the booth. She was greeted by Harry and Tobi, who both noticed her cute accent. She then was welcomed by Ethan, JJ, and Josh. The three of them complimented her accent and looks, they also signed her merch.

Lastly, she was by Simon and Vik. Vik was looking behind him when she hugged Simon. Vik held out her merch, not looking up to her face, and signed it. She giggled and Vik's heart did a somersault.

"Ciao amore " she said and Vik looked up, seeing the girl he fell in love ages ago. Vik let out a breathy laugh and covered his mouth, his eyes sparkling. "No way, no" he said and looked at the boys. They all had confused expressions in their faces and Vik laughed.

Y/n smiled as Vik draped his arm on her shoulder, "guys, I don't think I introduced you all to my girlfriend"

the fans cheered and started to snap pictures of them. The boys stared at her with wide eyes and soon enough, Vik and Y/n were inside a big group hug.

"DUDE, WE LOVE HER ALREADY" JJ shouted, ruffling her hair. The rest laughed, including the new addition to the Sidemen, Y/n.

|i'm sorry if this took long :<|

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