Don't leave me

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Vik x reader

Y/n was running in the black void, not really going somewhere. She wasn't exhausted, she felt something running towards her.

She quickened her pace. She was trying to escape this. The black place, she didn't knew where.

Suddenly, she stopped. She turned around and saw Vik.


Vik smiled and tilted his head. "I'm sorry, Y/n" he whispered but it was clear for her to hear.

"S-sorry? What are you-" and with that, Vik vanishes in thin air. He didn't leave anything. He was gone.

"Vik!?" she shouted and she fell on her knees, sobbing. "Vik!" she yelled.


Vik was editing some videos from the kitchen was he heard a scream.


He ran up to his room, sprinting fast. He opened the door and saw his girlfriend, turning and crying in his bed.

He walked towards her and laid besides her, holding her in his arms. "Hey, hey, I'm here" he cooed.

She breathed in and out deeply, calming as Vik stroked her hair.

"Please don't leave me" she whispered in her sleep, holding on to Vik. Vik placed a kiss on top of her head, "I'm wasn't planning to, princess"

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