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Harry x modern princess!reader

"Do we have to do this?" Harry sighed as he carried his camera. His sister, Rosie, nodded and went out of Harry's car.

"You asked your fans some dares and they told you to shout 'princess, princess where is thy princess?' See? It's not hard" his sister smiled as they walk up to the backyard of a castle.

"But this castle is haunted!" Harry whined. Rosie shook her head and sets up the camera, "come on, wouldn't take that long"

He sighed and walked up to the side of the castle with a high balcony. He huffed and cleared his throat,

"Princess, princess, where is thy princess?" He shouted, looking at the balcony, wishing he didn't wake up any 'unliving spirit'

He looked over to Rosie and she gave him two thumbs up, "see? That wasn't so-"

"My prince, my darling prince, come and free me from their faith" came a voice from above.

Harry looked up, his eyes widen and his heart fluttered.

A girl, who was looking down at him, had a wide smile and wore a tiara. She also wore a blue dress.

Rosie squealed and ran besides her brother. "Y-you're princess Y/n!"

"That, I am" the princess giggled and bowed. Rosie bowed while Harry was too busy admiring her features.

She nugded him on the ribcage and he blushed, bowing down to the lovely princess.

"What brings you two here?"

"We were just filming a video, your highness" Harry said, smiling at the princess.

She smiled back, "Have fun and stay safe" she softly said.

Rosie smiled and carried the camera to the car. Harry looked at the princess, who had locked gazes with him.

"Well? Aren't you gonna go, my prince?" She giggled. Harry chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, "y-yeah, sorry for intruding, Princess"

"It's okay. It's not everyday a handsome prince comes by to save me" she winked, adjusting her tiara.

Harry laughed, "I'm no prince"

"Neither am I a princess" she said, taking off her tiara. "If you're not a prince, you can be my prince" she added, smiling at Harry.

Harry smiled and blushed, "I'd like that very much, princess"

She nodded and waved at Harry, "'til we meet again, my prince"

"Until then, my princess"

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