He was my world

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Callux x reader

I wish HE was mine, It's been my wish since we were still together at UNI, being each others shoulder to lean on, being bestfriends. Nothing more, nothing less.

"McGinley and L/N! Detention after this!" Our professor shouted. I held back my laughter and looked at Cal, trying to look serious. "You look like your about to blow" He whispered. I giggled and our professor told us to get out of her class.

I wish I could tell HIM how I felt, the way he'd cheer me up, make me smile. HE was always there for me, and I was there for him, too.

"So? What do you think?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I shook my head and laughed, "Cal, YouTube is like a pretty big thing, Are you sure?" "Sure as can ever be"

I saw HIM at his worst, loved him at his best, I cared for him everytime I saw tears in his eyes.

"Y/N..." He breathed out, looking down at his shoes. "Cal? What happened?" "S-sarah.. She needed space" "Oh, Cal. Come in" I said, walking aside, letting him enter my flat.

On the day HE got married, he was the happiest man alive, his eyes glowed and his smile got brighter.

"I'm happy for you Saz! And Cal, if you hurt her, I will murder you" I said, the audience laughed and so did the newlyweds. I blinked away tears and returned to my seat.

I wish HE was still here, on this cruel world, here next to me.

"I'm so sorry for your lost, Sarah" I said, hugging her tightly. Looking over her shoulder, I saw Callum, his lifeless face, seemed so peaceful.

I wish, I told him.

"Y/N? Can you move those boxes?" Sarah said, carrying their son in her arms. I nodded and she left the room. I opened the box and saw Cal's journal.

Because I didn't knew, he felt the same way.

I open the book and flipped through the pages. Stopping at one, I saw my picture. I scanned through the writings and my heart broke.


I wish she was mine, I wish I can tell her, I wish I can hold her, kiss her, hug her. I wish, I could call her MINE.

*Gah😂I'm emotional~!!*

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