If she makes you happy

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Harry x reader

My name is Gee btw, If you're wondering who she is and no, she's not Chip's girlfriend.


Was all she could feel right now, She couldn't even see clearly, tears clouded her vision. Harry knew he was wrong, kissing a girl. Drunk or not, he had no excuse.

She had no where to go. She had been running for hours on the outskirts of the City. Her breathing became heavy and she grabbed her phone, contacting the person that she recently called.



"Si?" She whispered, feeling the exhaustion flow her body.

"Y/N? Where are you? Have you been crying? What ha-"

"Pick me up" Was all she could say before closing her eyes.

// Timeskip //

"Y/N?" A muffled voice said. She didn't want to open her eyes, she wanted to die. "Y/N. It's me, Gee"

Gee, her bestfriend. Her eyes fluttered open, her orbs dull and almost grey.

"Oh, Are you ok? Simon called me" Gee said, grabbing Y/N's hand. She looked around, she noticed Vik and Simon at the end of her hospital bed. Tobi, Josh, and Ethan, sitting on the couch. While JJ stood to her left "What happened?" Gee asked.

Y/N bursted into tears. The scene replaying in her head. "Harry... I saw him.. I saw his eyes.. He was in love with that girl" She whispered as Gee hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, N/N" Gee whispered back.

"JJ.." Simon called out. JJ's worried expression soon became angry. There stood three figures, The two Cal's and Harry.

"What the fuck do you want?!" JJ shouted at Harry, who bowed his head. Harry didn't want to say something, he saw the hurt in her eyes. "Do you know that Y/N almost died because of you!?" Gee spatted. Y/N grabbed her hand, squeezing it for her to calm down.

Everything was silent.

"Give us a moment" Y/N said, lowering her head. The boys nodded and Simon calmed his girlfriend, Gee, as they went out.

"Harold" She started, Harry flinched as she used his first name, "I saw you and there is no excuse, I saw your eyes, you were in love Harold, If I wasn't enough you should have said so" She said, her eyes pooled with tears. "N-no.. You were more than I could ever asked for"

"But why? Why did you have to hurt me?" She asked, Harry moved closed to her. He was standing besides her bed and wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry, Love. I wish I knew too" He whispered. "If she makes you happy, then... I'm letting you go, Haz. Be happy with or without me" She said, pushing Harry's hand away from her.

"Please, just.. just leave"

Harry felt his whole world break, he looked down at her and hugged her. One last time.

"Goodbye, Y/N" He said, slowly walking through the door. "Goodbye, Harry"

*part 2 anyone?*

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