never wanna leave

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harry x reader

with another sigh, she closed the box. Y/n's family were moving out of Guernsey tomorrow and everything was packed up.

"Y/n, dear, Harry's at the door" her mother said. She nodded and walked out of her room and down to the front door.

She opened it saw Harry, a frown in his lips and sadness written all over his blue eyes.

"are you really going?" he softly asked. She sighed and closed the door behind her, face to face with Harry.

"i have no choice, Haz. Mum has a job opening there" she sadly replied.

"come with me" Harry smiled, reaching his hand out. "this'll be your last hours in our hometown, better make it worth" he added. She smiled widely at her bestfriend.

"we'll be back by sunrise, I promise" he assured.

She took his hand and then they both started running, but no places to go.


Harry never let go of her hand as they walk around the same town, remembering their childhood memories.

"remember this?" Harry asked, pointing to an old abandoned park. She giggled and looked over to the swing, "the first time we met"

she sat alone in the swing, her pink shoes casually brushing the pebbles beneath her.

"hi, c-can i play with you?" a small voice asked. She looked up and saw a boy with big and gorgeous blue eyes.

she smiled, "okay"

"I'm Harold but my mum calls me Harry"

"I'm Y/n"


She rode on Harry's back, taking in his colonge.

"I'm gonna miss you, Haz" she whispered as she snuggled closer to his back. Harry smiled, "I already miss you"


Harry led her to an open field, the stars sparking above them.

"remember?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Harry! Stop!" she giggled as she ran around the field, Harry on her tail.

"nope!" he shouted and tackled her to the ground. "aaah! stop that!" she said in between laughs.

Grass were up her hair and the back of her hoodie. Well, Harry's blue hoodie.


"are we even allowed here?" she giggled as Harry jumped up the fence to Mrs. Elliott's backyard.

"I'm sure old mrs. Elliott won't mind! it's your last day after all" Harry smirked. She jumped off the fence and Harry caught her in his arms.

She heard his heartbeat, steady yet fast. She locked gazes with Harry and he blushed.

Carefully, he sets her down.

"Y/n?" he softly said. "yes?" she smiled. Harry winked and pushed her to the pool, once she resurfaced, she gasped.

"what if I had my phone in my pocket?!" she shouted. Harry laughed and shrugged, "not my fault!"

she scoffed and grabbed Harry by the feet, dragging him in the pool.

It created a loud splash and she laughed, the water hitting her cheeks.

"why you!-" "you started it!" she giggled and splashed Harry with the water. Harry dodged it and splashed her.

after splashing and having fun, she took off her hoodie and dried off. They were sitting at the edge of the pool, they're feet under the water.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something" he suddenly said, breaking the comfortable silence. She looked at Harry and smiled, "yeah, Haz?"

Harry gulped and looked at the water.

"I love you"

there was silence between them and she smiled. "Harry?"

"are you disgusted? I-i get it! I'm sor-"

"I love you too" she replied, putting her hand on top of his. Harry looked up and locked gazes with her.

Their eyes were sparkling under the night sky. Slowly, Harry leaned in.

She leaned in too, closing her eyes in the process.

Only a few inches away, their lips would touch-

"what's going in here?!" Mrs. Elliott's voice boomed. A train of curse words left Harry's mouth and he grabbed her hand, helping her jump off the fence.

They ran down the street with laughter filling the air. "Harry! you idiot!" she laughed, leaning against a tree.

Harry laughed with her and he looked the sky, noticing the sun was rising. His laughter died down and suddenly, two arms were wrapped around his neck.

He looked down and she pressed her lips on his. Harry molded in to the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

With heartbeats in sync, they slowly pull away. Harry's eyes were sparkling and so were hers.

"you need to go home, Y/n" he said, resting his forehead on hers. She shook her head, "i'm already home"

"where?" he asked, putting strands of hair on the back of her ear. She smiled and pecked his lips.

"home is with you, Harry and I never wanna leave my home"

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