Chapter 1: Going to Hel- School

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In Fairy Tail High, there are a bunch of groups but there are two main groups that the whole school is involved in.

The boys and the girls. They are expected to act a certain way and there is no in between.

That kept the school organized so when I lashed out, the system broke. It wasn't perfect.

"They" didn't like that their system wasn't working 100% so they've been trying to make me quit school.
Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up groggily, stood up and bumped into my bedside table. My alarm clock fell off.

"Take that you stupid alarm clock," I said quietly.

I realized it was Monday. I groaned and pinched myself hoping it was just a bad dream.

No luck, it's not a dream.

I'm a sophomore at Fairy Tail High school. My name is Lucy.

I quickly got in the shower, making sure to wash my hair. I climbed out of the shower, brushed and put my hair in a ponytail and got dressed.

I was currently wearing a sweater and black jeans. I try not to be noticeable like a ninja. Nin, Nin

I smile at the mirror looking at my tired face, that's what I get for spending 12hrs playing video games.

I grabbed some coffee and drank some, making sure to keep some in my bag and ran to school.

I always try to get to school earlier than everyone else so I don't accidentally bump into "them".

I quickly rushed to the school and went into the library, I'm a volunteer here so I always hide here at Lunch.

I saw a flash of orange hair and started to panic, they don't normally come this early.

I grabbed my books and went out of the library as fast as I could.

"That was close," I thought.

It sure was.

Hi Inner, long time no hear


If Inner hadn't been with me, I probably would've gone crazy by now.

I've figured out a route to avoid them all day.

Inner explained it to me, I'll probably have to face them soon but I'm not going to face them if I can avoid it.

The bell rang snapping me back to the world of the living. Stupid bell.

I (as quietly as possible) came into class and took a seat. They walked in looking all innocent.

If only that were true

I avoided eye contact and looked down at my book. Please don't notice me.

They took their seats in the first two rows. I was in the back row.

Class started and therefore hell begun. I got bored halfway through the class and sighed.

I looked at the clock and only 20 minutes passed. This is going to be a long day.

Halfway through the day, the teachers I've had decided during class

Oh, let's give these poor kids homework that's due soon so they can stress more about life.

Now I have a lot of homework, what nice teachers. It's currently Lunchtime, the worst and best time of the day.

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