Chapter 25: Bombarded by Girls

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Lucy P.O.V
Friday Jan 10th

I first thought it was only a dare from his group.

But even they have been nice to me and at this point it's starting to freak me out.


First of all, I hate the attention they're giving me.

Second of all, the last time they were nice to me was well not important. It was a long time ago.

Third of all, Natsu seems to be getting more attention from the ladies. Well that's technically not a problem referring to me but when we're interrupted while we're talking often, it turns into a problem.

I sighed out of frustration for the first time today and probably the 200th time this week.

We'd just entered the school and Natsu was already bombarded by girls. This has been what happens every time Natsu comes through the door since Tuesday.

Natsu seems to not mind the attention but to me it's a bother and annoying.

I snuck through the crowd of girls that were asking Natsu questions and headed to my locker.

I passed by Taurus and he gave me a nod in respect. I could feel a shiver run down my spine as I remember the first day of school.

I gave a nervous smile and then disappeared out of his sight.

I let out my second sigh of the day and proceeded back to my locker. I reached there in no time and grabbed the books I'd be needing for the first few classes.

I entered the classroom and sat down quietly. Yukino entered soon after me. She headed towards me and looked at me with a confused look.

"Where's Natsu?" She asked.

"Bombarded by girls somewhere" I answered clearly annoyed.

"This has been happening since Tuesday right? I know he's popular with the ladies but he's never been this bombarded before" She said deep in thought.

"Maybe they think they have a better chance with him after a small break from school" I said annoyed.

"Maybe but-" Yukino started but was cut off by Sting hugging her from behind.

Her face turned bright red, I tried not to show happiness at the public show of affection and I succeeded.

"Morning Lucy" Sting said peering over Yukino's shoulder to look at me while still hugging her.

"Morning" I replied back.

"Where's Natsu?" He asked.

"Bombarded by girls" I said for the second time while Yukino let out a little squeak.

"Still?" Sting asked.

"Still" I answered.

Natsu burst into the room looking a little tired.

"Sorry I wasn't able to walk with you to your locker and to class, I was a little busy" He apologized flashing me a grin.

"It doesn't really matter to me" I said with a harsh tone in my voice.

Natsu flinched but recovered quickly.

There was an awkward silence.

He looked to Sting and Yukino and greeted them.

"You need to tell the girls that bombard you that they need to find a more appropriate time" Sting spoke out.

"I'm trying to but they refuse to listen to what I have to say unless it's referring to a question I've asked" He started.

"Then show instead of tell" Yukino put in.

"I'm trying, it's getting annoying even for me, do you know how many times I've been asked what my favorite something or the other is" Natsu complained.

I grabbed my water and began drinking it.

"Well you've got to act fast, Lucy's quite uncomfortable with the attention you're getting" Yukino said with a small smile on her face.

I started choking on the water and eventually swallowed it down.

"Who said I was uncomfortable with the attention he's getting, I meant it was annoying when we'd get interrupted while we're talking" I say.

"I'll try another way to get them to stop bombarding me" Natsu said determined. "After all, I can't have Lucy being uncomfortable"

I sent him a look.

"What?" He asked stepping a little back.

"Nothing, that was smooth" I answered.

"Awwww" Yukino said. "Progress finally after forever"

I looked back down at my book as the teacher walked in telling us to go to our seats.

We sat down and school started.

The first few periods passed by as fast as it takes me to get out of bed.

The lessons felt like they dragged on forever.

When Lunch finally rolled around, I was half asleep so the lunch bell was quite a shock. I almost screamed.

Sting and Natsu bolted out the door and Yukino ran after Sting.

I waited until the halls cleared a bit before departing from the classroom to my locker.

I quickly got my lunch and walked hurriedly to the library as to avoid Leo.

I was so close yet so far.

Leo approached me with a smile on his face and regarded me with greetings and apologies.

I've told him multiple times I've forgiven him and his group even though I hadn't so I could get him off my back but he still insists on apologizing.

"So Lucy, maybe you could join us for Lunch today?" Leo asked again.

"Sorry but I have to go meet up with Natsu so I've got to go" I apologized.

He let out a sigh.

"You know Lucy, I don't think it's safe for you to be around him, I've heard about a few secrets about him that aren't pleasant and I'm guessing he hasn't told you" Leo said.

"Well everyone has their secrets and it's not my job to pry" I said forcing a smile.

"Everyone sure does have a secret" He said smiling at me. "Even you? It's probably not anything major though"

"Not really" I answered.

He gave me a small smile and headed to the cafeteria.

This pattern has been going on for the past week. At least I'll have a break of 2 days to fully go into thinking about the past week.

I arrived at the library and went to our usual spot to find Natsu eating without me.

I sat down next to him.

"Talking to the not so important person again?" Natsu said irritated.

"Yep what about it?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing" He replied.

We ate in silence. Natsu doesn't seem to like the fact that I'm talking to a person and not telling him about it but I personally don't see the big deal.

The bell signalling that Lunch was over went off and I closed my half eaten food and started to head to class.

I don't like the sudden change in attitude in both Leo and his group and Natsu, it's annoying.

Just when I though my life was headed back to normal.

I'm on a roll. A chapter in an hour after writing the last chapter yesterday.

Sorry for the reupload, wattpad is acting strange.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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