Chapter 44: Quiet

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Lucy P.O.V
Tuesday April 2nd

We've pretty much gone back to our everyday lives except for one thing. Natsu is really cautious when he talks to me. It's almost like he doesn't want to start another argument. He doesn't talk a lot and he just agrees with what I'm saying. Due to the push by Natsu, I've decided to try and truly get a long with Leo for his sake. He really seems invested in it so I should probably take it seriously.

We were at school at second period. The teacher was rambling on about something that was probably important but I couldn't bring myself to care. I was playing with my pencil spinning it around. I could feel the stares of Natsu behind me. He stared so much that I developed a sense that tells me when he does. I looked back and gave him a smile before turning back to the board so I didn't see his reaction.

The bell rang and I packed up all my stuff and waited for Natsu before we headed to the next period. I talked basically the whole time while he kept quiet, nodding sometimes. He wouldn't even try and join in. Keeping up a conversation isn't easy work I'll tell you. When we entered, I sat at my desk and he sat at his leaving me annoyed.

I kept my mood in check and tried to keep it looking calm on the outside while on the inside, I was trying to figure out how to get him to start talking again so I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the lesson. Lunch approached quickly as we both made our way to the library. I was filling Natsu in on the week that he wasn't there except for the little panic attack thing. He didn't need to know that.

He just kept nodding as if thinking of something else so I decided to lead us to our normal spot and then proceed to smack Natsu on the head as hard as I could. He held unto his head hissing.

"Ow Lucy what was that for?" He asked rubbing the spot I hit him.

"I could ask you the same question. You haven't been talking as much" I told him.

"Oh so you miss talkative Natsu" Natsu said grabbing my chin and bringing my face close to his.

"Don't worry he'll make another appearance soon enough" Natsu winked.

I proceeded to punch him in the stomach. He let go of my chin to rub his aching stomach.

"Stop with the flirting. It's not working and tell me the real answer" I said.

"You say it's not working but your face says otherwise. You're blushing Lucy" He teased.

"I'm not blushing and you know it. Now answer the question or I will not hesitate to steal all your food" I threatened.

"Not my food. Anything but that" Natsu joked.

"Answer the question Dragneel" I said seriously.

Natsu flinched.

"Don't call me that" He whispered softly.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't call me Dragneel. You're not some person who doesn't know me so please don't call me that. You're my best friend and I'd rather you call me by my first name" He answered looking down at his food.

I patted his salmon colored hair.

"I won't say it anymore if you don't want me to but in exchange you'll tell me why you don't seem to want to be a part of the conversation" I negotiated. "Have I gotten that boring to talk to?"

"No that's not it" Natsu exclaimed.

"I'm just kidding. What's the real reason?" I asked.

"You know the fight that we got into. That's because I started saying a few things without thinking of what I was saying. Everything just came out of my mouth without me really knowing what I'm saying. So I've tried to cut back on saying things and trying to think before I speak" He explained.

I sighed.

"Here I was worried it was something I did and this is all" I said.

"What do you mean this is all?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it. We won't have a fight like that where we don't regard each other for a week. And if you do end up saying anything insensitive we'll talk it out. If you become stubborn, I'll drag you to A room, lock you up until we can work things out" I told him.

He stared at me as if I was strangely before bursting out in laughter.

Music to my ears.

"You know Lucy, I wasn't expecting the last part" Natsu laughed. "But I get it, I shouldn't put too much restraint when I talk"

I nodded.

His face became a light pink.

"Glad we could get that out of the way. Now I can talk more freely now" Natud said before grabbing his food and stuffing his face

Our conversations were back to normal. The day passed by quickly as Natsu's aura was back. We quickly went home. We were tackled by both Plue and Happy.

"Get off. We need to prepare for work." I said.

They both got off us as we prepared. We headed out to work not long after. The restaurant came in view not long after we left. We ran to it, quickly getting changed and entering the restaurant.

Beware restaurant the duo is back and ready for the worst you can offer. This was definitely going to be fun.

So this is short, couldn't come up with much so it's less than a thousand words. I really need to write more chapters for this but I couldn't come up with much. Hope this is okay and they're not progressing horribly. I suck at romance so lol.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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