Chapter 26: His Sickness

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Natsu P.O.V
Saturday Jan 11th

It's the weekend, I'm finally getting a break from all those girls. I'm currently headed to Lucy's house.

She's been speaking with a person at school just before Lunch and she refuses to tell me. I probably shouldn't be prying into her business but my curiosity fails to listen.

The first time Lucy started talking to the person and arrived late to Lunch, I was going to look for her but the libarian pulled me aside.

She thanked me for keeping Lucy company and staying with her since September.

I had asked her what had happened before I got here and she told me.

She told me Lucy would always be alone in that exact same corner not caring about the world around her, she refused to talk to any person who approached her and her life from the librarians prespective seemed kind of robotic and lonely.

I had asked the librarian to specify more but Lucy had arrived and she would probably be mad at me for prying into her life.

I reached Lucy's house with all of these thoughts in mind, I rung the doorbell and patiently waited for Lucy to answer.

She opened the door looking a little tired.

"Lucy are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Fine, just couldn't sleep" She answered. "I was a bit preoccupied with homework and lost track of time"

Plue was right behind her and I set Happy down next to him.

Plue and Happy both looked at me and then Lucy and back and forth. I may have been going crazy but I swear they were trying to signal for me to go to Lucy.

I walked towards Lucy, grabbing her shoulder, she stopped and turned to me.

"What's the real reason you didn't get enough sleep?" I asked.

"I told you homework" She answered.

"We both know you're lying, come on Lucy you can tell me anything" I said a slight whine in my voice.

"I'm serious, I just-" She started but was cut off by a hug from behind.

"I won't let go until you tell me" I said.

"Natsu if you value your safety let go of me" She threatened.

I didn't listen and tightened my hug. Lucy managed to escape my hug easily resulting in me having a hurting arm and hand.

"Ow" I groaned.

"I warned you" Lucy said looking annoyed.

"Are you really not going to tell me?" I asked in all seriousness with a bit of a sad tone.

Lucy looked back at me and let out a sigh.

"Guess I can't win" Lucy said.

She could have easily ignored me so why did she want to tell me. Maybe she wanted to get it off her chest.

"I've heard from a certain person that you might be a bit dangerous" Lucy started.

My face became emotionless.

"It's about my sickness then" I said in a bitter tone.

"Probably" She said back. "What does he mean by dangerous?"

I let out a sigh of annoyance.

"I've hurt a lot of people due to that sickness, it's controlling and all it wants to do is hurt or kill people depending on the scale of my hatred towards them" I explained.

"If you've hurt so many people, how are you not in jail?" She asked.

"I-I don't remember when I hurt people, t-the doctors, they see signs of amnesia when I go back to normal plus I pay for what I do in different ways" I stammered biting my lip.

Lucy had avoided eye contact with me this whole time so when she looked up at me, I must have looked really hurt.

She made her way towards me and pinched my cheeks.

"Looking that hurt and sad doesn't suit your personality but I guess even you do it sometimes, if I had to say I probably prefer cheerful Natsu" She started.

Prefers cheerful Natsu huh?

She looked at me as if she heard what I said.

"Sorry I'm horrible at cheering people up, but if you ever need a person to lean on for support, I'm always here" She apologized and told me.

"You really are horrible at cheering people up" I said.

"Thanks for acknowledging that out of my whole statement" She said looking annoyed.

I let out a small smile and she grinned at me.

"And don't worry Natsu, I won't let you get angry, lose control or hurt people if I can help it" She said.

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise" She confirmed.

I smiled fully this time and then I began to recall the conversation is just had with Lucy and felt the embarrassment.

My face flushed out of embarrassment and I hid it in my scarf.

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Nothing, just recalling how embarrassing that conversation was" I answered.

"Don't worry I won't tease you about this conversation as you poured your heart into telling me" She started.

"Thanks a lot" I smiled while saying feeling my blush settle down.

"Doesn't mean I won't tease you for all the other cheesy things you say" She finished.

I could feel the blush come back to my face.

"Aww is little Natsu embarrassed?" She teased.

"I'm not little and I'm not embarrassed" I said back.

"Whatever you say" Lucy said.

I watched as Lucy settled on her couch and headed over there to sit beside her.

I sat really close to Lucy pushing my luck a little bit.

Maybe she pretended not to notice or she really didn't notice but she ignored me.

I smiled a cheeky little smile and Plue and Happy headed towards us after witnessing my little explanation moment.

They seemed to be in a good mood and they sat together on the floor.

I smiled and began to watch Tv with Lucy and she seemed really concentrated on the show we were watching.

I kept stealing glances at Lucy, watching her reactions to everything. I'd indulged myself in these kind of actions really recently.

It's becoming strange. It's probably because I'm really close to her and I'm just checking to see if she'll move away.

That's it, that's definetly it.

I hate writers block so much.

Been writing chapters every day for a while.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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