Chapter 46: It stings

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Natsu P.O.V
Tuesday April 8th

It's around the start of school. Saturday was definitely an embarrassing day. Lucy had already gone to her locker to grab her stuff so I opened mine and grabbed my books. I went towards Lucy's locker. I looked at her locker from afar. She was talking to Leo and making the effort so I smiled and just went to the classroom without her. I entered the classroom and put my books down.

Sting and Yukino headed to my desk.

"We haven't talked in what seems like forever. How are you doing?" Sting asked.

"Fine" I answered.

"I heard you and Lucy had a fight and then Mira helped you resolve it" Yukino said.

I was expecting her to solve it.

"We did but we moved past it" I told her.

"That also resulted in an increased spike of Nalu moments. Mira said she could feel it in her soul. Was she right?" She asked.

I shook my head. An increase of Nalu moments? She must have meant the joking around we did on the weekend. Joking around. That sounds strange. Wonder why.

"We did joke around on the weekend so maybe that's it" I told her.

"What joking around?" Yukino asked.

"Just normal stuff" I told her and explained.

"My ship is sailing so steadily. I need to contact Mira and then I can go over and fangirl with her" She said smiling and freaking out.

"But you were supposed to come over" Sting said quietly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll go tommorow then. My ships can wait. You can't" Yukino teased.

Sting smiled softly at his girlfriend as if acknowledging that the statement was true. I stared at them feeling happy for them and something else I couldn't quite identify.

Lucy walked into the room with Leo before they split their ways.

"Did I miss an important conversation that will haunt me later?" Lucy asked smiling.

"Not really" I told her.

"Natsu said you guys joked around during the weekend. What kind?" Yukino smiled.

"Joked around?" Lucy asked.

She tapped her fingers on the table in a smooth rhythm. Her face became expressionless for a second before putting on a smile.

"Yeah just joking around for fun. Nothing in particular" She said with a smile on her face.

Do you want to know something? Of course you do, you have no choice. When I said that it was joking around, it was fine. But when she says it, it feels as if a knife slightly poked my heart. My smile dropped slightly before putting on a bigger one.

I shouldn't keep ignoring all the little pokes because if I do, it will all turn into one big stab eventually. I didn't realize I was zoned out until a soft sensation was on my hair. I smiled softly, it felt nice. I snapped back to reality to find Lucy in front of me with her hand through my hair looking at me worriedly. I stared at her not looking away. It was more like I couldn't look away.

"I hate to disturb you lovebirds but class is going to star- there goes the bell" Sting informed us.

We both snapped out of it at the sound of the bell. I scratched my chin, a light blush on my face before smiling.

"You guys were staring at each other for a while, I even got a picture. Mira is going to die of cuteness from this picture" Yukino said heading to her desk.

I decided to head to my desk before the teacher came in. It was getting awkward anyways. I ruffled my hair. I could still feel the sensation of Lucy's hand in my hair. I looked up at the board pretending to pay attention so the blush would eventually disappear.

Lunch quickly came by and passed. Lucy and I mostly talked about random things that aren't really important. The end of the day approached quickly. The bell rang and I sprinted out of the classroom to my locker. I opened it quickly and grabbed my bag swinging over my shoulder. I waited outside for Lucy sitting down on the grass.

Luckily I could just sit here normally now without being disturbed by fangirls. They seemed to have decreased since Lucy shooed them away. I can now live my high school days in peace. I smiled. I guess I never said thanks. I probably should.

"Hello, nice to see you're daydreaming but we have to go" Lucy said.

"Oh yeah, coming" I said standing up and heading towards her so we could walk to her house.

We walked and talked about our interests. We reached and entered Lucy's house just to be greeted by Plue and Happy. Lucy immediately headed for the couch to sit down while I just looked around. I could never get tired of coming to this place. It was way better than my house.

I headed to where Lucy occupied the floor. I had only imagined she had crashed on the couch then slipped onto the floor and couldn't be bothered to try and get on the couch.

"Lucy the couch isn't that far away. You can make it" I told her laughing.

"Nah I'm not doing that plus the floor is just fine" She told me.

She was facing up at the ceiling. I dropped my bag and lay beside her.

"I used to do this a lot as a kid when the stars weren't out yet. I'd stare up at the ceiling of my room and imagine the stars coming to life to greet me" Lucy said.

"Oh yeah. That sounds like a lot of fun" I told her.

"It was. Distracted me from everything else" She said.

I smiled.

"Anyways we should probably start getting ready" I told her attempting to stand up.

Lucy put her arm over my body.

"Let's just stay here for a little while. It's pretty comfortable" Lucy said smiling.

I didn't move. This was comfortable just like she said. Who knew from then on everything Lucy did would affect me little by little?

This chapter is so boring lol but not boring enough for me to delete it. Man I love writing. I really need to write more. I need to not be a procrastinator. Nah sounds like too much work.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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