Chapter 22: A little too close

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Lucy P.O.V
Thursday Dec 26th

Where do I start?

Okay one thing I forgot to say last night, I brought several sets of pjs on Mira's order.

After the party, Mira announced we'd be staying here until December the 27th.

I had carried the dog downstairs quickly after that.

The girls began asking where I'd gotten the puppy so I told them and they've been teasing me.

So ya about the staying over thing, Mira told me that this is Laxus's house and we'd be having one of those cliche sleepover things.

That's not the important part, she made us share a room with a partner (Lisanna stayed in a room by herself) and you'll never guess who I got!

That's right, I got Mira!

Just kidding, I got Natsu.

So we set down both the cat (which Natsu told me he named Happy 2 days ago without telling me) and the dog I named Plue.

They seemed to surprisingly get along which is shocking.

I swear I once caught them in a corner whispering to each other and pointing to me but eh my imagination can run wild.

Now to the present day!

I had just woken up from the wonderful sleep I had.

I stretched my arms and wiggled around in the bed.

"Morning Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed.

My eyes widened and I pushed Natsu off the bed resulting in me falling off the bed in surprise.

"Ow" He groaned.

"Sorry, I forgot about the sharing bed thing and pushed you off" I apologized.

I stood up and helped Natsu up too.

Plue and Happy were curled up in a little make shift bed since this was a complete surprise.

I brushed my teeth, opened the door and headed downstairs with Plue in my arms and Natsu and Happy trailing behind me.

We got downstairs quickly and Natsu led me to the kitchen.

We passed the living room and noone was in there.

We arrived to the kitchen to find it empty.

"Might as well make breakfast" I said.

"You can cook?" Natsu asked in surprise.

"Of course I can cook, how do you think I survived all those years?" I snapped back.

"Heh I just haven't seen you cooking before so I kind of assumed" Natsu answered sheepishly. "I can help you make breakfast"

"Of course, we're making bacon and eggs for everyone" I announced rolling up my sleeves.

"Fine by me" Natsu said back.

So we began to work, making bacon and eggs for a large group took a long time but we eventually got it done just in time to see Gajeel and Levy filed in.

"Bacon and eggs!" Levy exclaimed and ran to us.

We placed a plate of bacon and eggs towards her and a plate towards Gajeel.

They thanked us and made their way towards the table.

This pattern went on for quite a while.

By the time everyone had gotten their plate, it had been an hour since the food was ready.

Natsu and I ate quickly in the kitchen, washed all the plates and headed towards the living room.

Everyone was packed into the living room and the girls were watching the boys play first.

Apparently the boys had manages to get there first and called first dibs.

Natsu and I arrived and Natsu was thrown a controller.

"Pass me one, I'm playing" I announced.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" Elfman asked.

"I'll be fine" I answered back.

I was thrown a controller and I settled down to play.

The game we started with was a one for all game which I'm proud to say I got 3rd in.

We played games for who knows how long but by the end, I could feel my eyes hurting.

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time, it was around 2pm.

I announced that I was going back to sleep and so someone should wake me up when the sleepover started and headed towards the room.

I left Plue in Natsu's care.

I collapsed on the bed and sighed. I fell asleep quickly after that.

When someone came to wake me up, it was around 6.

I grudgingly got out of bed and headed to the space we'd be using for the sleepover.

To be specific, I had Natsu carry me to the space.

We arrived and I got off Natsu's back.

I saw Mira looking at me with those fangirl eyes but I ignored her.

"Ok since Lucy and Natsu gave finally decided to join us, let's begin with them first" Mira announced.

"Begin with us for what?" I asked.

"Truth or Dare, this always happens in the cliche books and it's so adorable" Lisanna swooned.

"In cliche books it's successful, but this is real life" I said.

"Wouldn't hurt to try" Natsu said.

"I guess" I replied.

"So Truth or Dare?" Yukino asked.

"Dare" We both answered.

Mira smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Ok, I need you guys to face each other" Mira started.

We faced each other and stared uncomfortably for a few minutes.

"What's next?" I asked turning my head to face Mira.

"Oh ya, I need you guys to put your head like you're about to kiss" Mira continued.

"What? why?" I asked.

"Because it's a dare" Lisanna explained.

"That doesn't explain anything" I exclaimed.

Natsu hadn't said anything this whole time.

"It's not like it's going to kill you" Natsu said.

"That's besides the point" I exclaimed.

Natsu leaned his face close to mine, our noses touching. I could feel his breath and my breath hitched.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever.

Natsu pulled his face away from mine and gave me a toothy grin.

"That was beautiful" Evergreen squeaked.

"He went in for it like a real man" Elfman shouted.

I couldn't bring myself to look up.

He came a little too close and now it's awkward.

Ya that's why I'm avoiding eye contact with any of them.

A little Nalu at the end.

Here I was saying I'd take a break but I wrote the first part of this on Dec 26th.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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