Chapter 67: The Truth

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Natsu P.O.V
Thursday June 10th

Trigger Warning

Today is the day I'm going to tell Lucy everything. I'm slightly nervous. I wander what her reaction will be. It was only the beginning of the day meaning I had to wait. I hadn't told her that I was telling her. Fingers snapped in front of my face and I flinched.

"Zoning out I see. Got something on your mind?" Lucy asked.

"Not really." I answered.

She gave me a look that told me that she didn't believe me.

"Don't look at me like that. It's really nothing." I said.

"Mhm sure." She answered.

Slowly but surely the rest of the day passed by. Lunch passed and she probably thought I acted weird. She didn't comment on it too much. Sting and Yukino kept her busy. I had already told them that I was telling her. The rest of the day went by as normal.

I sighed before exiting the school. My heart was beating faster that it did before. It slowly dawned on me that I was finally telling her and I was slightly freaking out.

"You don't look good Natsu." Lucy commented.

"I'm fine. It's nothing. I'll take medicine when we get home." I said quickly.

I really didn't want the sensitive hearing coming now. It only came out when I was stressed and that was once in a while luckily. Today wasn't the day that it should. We walked to the house and went inside. Lucy dropped her bag and got changed for some reason.

"I have a meeting with my aunt and uncle today in an hour so whatever you want to tell me has to before then." She said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You always have this look when you want to tell me something." She answered. "Is something important?"

"Well you've wanted to know for a while." I answered.

We both went to the living room and sat down.

"Where should I begin?" I asked.

"From the beginning." She answered.

"This disease started around when I was 9. I got mad at a boy at school which was 5 years older. We fought and we both went home with scars. I lived with my uncle." I started.

"Cause of the fight?" She asked.

"He insulted my parents so I attacked him. The teacher reported the whole thing to my uncle and he even witnessed the whole thing himself. He secretly tried to find a cure himself since he was a doctor. A year passed by before he was contacted by the government." I continued. "They told him they would get a lab to help with the tests and keep him updated so he could focus on his own work. That's how I became their test rat."

"Natsu you don't look good. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine. I'll continue." I said feeling sick. "That's the shortened version."

"There's more to it right?" She asked.

"Yeah." I whispered. "Listen carefully please."

"I will." She answered.

"They eventually made medicine that would stop my sensitive hearing. I was so glad. It would come once in a while when I was stressed and make me go crazy." I continued. "I began to take it and it worked for a while until the side effects kicked in. It would make me crazier than the sensitive hearing did. It also had a toll on my body. Sometimes I couldn't go to school because I couldn't move."

"That sounds horrible." Lucy said.

I gave a small laugh before laughing. It only got worse from here.

"I stopped taking it because of the side effects. They continued to try and find me a cure. They brought me into their lab and performed tests on me. It was so painful. I have no good memories there. They treated me no better than a rat. It was during the summer. I was all alone. The only thing that comforted me is that all of my friends were waiting for me at school." I continued to say. "They were childhood friends and the ones you met. It was originally just Mira and Lisanna but it's expanded. The process was painful and scarring. A government official gave me therapy."

I breathed out before continuing.

"They sent me to school after they were done and I was so scared of people. I would flinch at anyone. The closest I got to anyone after I was released was Sting and Yukino and I only met them last year. That whole process was during the summer. I spent my grade 6, 7 and 8 alone. My summers were spent in the lab. They had moved me to a different school." I continued. "They didn't want someone to close to me in fear that I would learn something bad from them or they would get me angry. Kids were warned to stay away from me."

"After grade 8, I was moved to Sting and Yukino's school. They became my company. I was finally happy after so long. After the end of the year, a kid decided I was the perfect kid to pick on. He knew me from school. I got angry and I was sent to the lab. The government covered it well. I was moved to this school." I said. "I'm not allowed to have people important to me. I'm not even supposed to know you. The people sent here to this school to watch me haven't said anything to them. They're nice."

"I don't know if you've guessed but I have to go back this year during summer on the last day of school. Back to that place where I've experienced nothing but pain. I don't want to go back." My voice cracked.

That was the breaking point. I was now crying. I couldn't really see anything through the tears. I wiped them away and looked up at Lucy. She was also crying. My eyes grew wider.

"Look at us. Two dorks crying." I laughed.

We both laughed.

"Hey Lucy will you still accept me?" I asked.

"Huh?" She asked.

"After every session, I come back different. I can become so fragile that I could break at any comment." I said. "Will you still accept me no matter how broken I am?"

"Of course I will." Lucy said softly, tears still streaming down her face.

She stood up and put her face close to mine and rested her forehead on mine.

"You're really clueless." Lucy said.

A small kiss was placed on my forehead. I looked up at Lucy shocked.

"Might as well not end this on a sad note. When you know why, bring it up again." Lucy said. "I have to go meet up with my aunt and uncle. Bye."

I stared at her leaving before blushing. I placed my hand on my forehead before smiling. It felt so good to get that off my chest. We even cried about it. I honestly felt like crying again out of relief. I had work in a little bit but I didn't really care. At that one moment I was so happy.

Finally wrote it. I feel so sad right now. I finally got the courage to write it. Please read the whole thing. It's really important.

So what do you think?

Should there be a trigger warning or no?

Was it a bit underwhelming?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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