Chapter 10: She's back

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Natsu P.O.V
Wednesday, November 6th

Lucy's been acting sketchy all week. She checks every corner before we go and even just randomly turns around.

"Hey Lucy where are we going?" I asked.

"Uh I need to check something that's all" She replied.

She's really tense right now.

"Hey Natsu, Do me a favor, go to the library I'll be there in a while" Lucy shooed me off distracted.

I looked at her annoyed but followed the order.

I walked to the library, opened the door and glanced to the right to see if Lucy was there.

I caught a glimpse of pink hair.

I closed the library door and followed the pink hair to find a crowd following someone.

I joined the crowd just to see if the pink hair was there.

I lost the pink hair and quietly moved to the back of the crowd to escape.

I quickly sprinted off to the library to find Lucy waiting impatiently at the front.

"Natsu where did you go?" She asked obviously annoyed.

"I got distracted following pink hair" I answered.

Lucy's eyes seem to widen.

She grabbed me by my hand and pulled me to the music room and shut the door.

"What kind of pink?" She demanded.

"Really, really pink" I answered stupidly.

The tension Lucy had seemed to increase.

"Who is she?' I asked.

"No-one you need to concern yourself with," Lucy said avoiding the question.

She walked out of the room.

I followed quietly as to not steer up angry feelings.

When we entered the library, Lucy looked a little relieved.

I sat quietly.

"Natsu doesn't start sulking," Lucy said.

I stayed quiet.

"I'm not telling you because you started sulking," Lucy said.

I buried my face into my scarf and kept my lips sealed.

Lucy let out a sigh.

The bell rang signaling the start of the day and I stood up and walked to my locker.

I opened my locker, grabbed my books, went to class and sat quietly.

Leo smiled at Lucy, who just entered the room.

I could feel the change in her mood. From annoyed to angry.

Sting seemed to have noticed it too, he gave me a questionable look.

I shrugged in response.

She sat down quietly and brought out a book.

Maybe she's back to normal.

"Hello students, welcome to your first period," the teacher said.

I turned my attention to the teacher and paid attention but I would sneakily check up on Lucy.

She seemed fine for the first part of the morning.

Lunch rolled around and I caught another glimpse of pink hair. I decided not to follow it.

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