Chapter 41: A fight

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Natsu P.O.V
Friday March 15th

It was before school. Lucy had told me to go without her. She said she had a doctor's appointment and wouldn't be at school until the afternoon. I sighed as I entered the building. This day wasn't going to be interesting. After all Lucy's not here.

"Where's Lucy?" A voice asked. "She's not at her locker"

I turned around from my  locker and saw Leo standing there a little confused.

"Had to go to a doctor's appointment, she'll back in the afternoon" I answered, grabbing my books.

Leo looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Natsu, do you know why Lucy's been avoiding me?" He asked.

"She hasn't as far as I know, she talked to you yesterday didn't she?" I replied.

"Her answers were short and she hasn't seemed to want to talk to me for the last month or so and she ignores me as much as she can" Leo told me.

"Um I could always talk to her for you" I suggested.

"That would be a huge help" Leo said, his eyes brightening up.

I smiled to be of some use. We made our way to class. Yukino and Sting looked up in our direction as we entered. I made my way towards them.

"Where's Lucy?" Yukino asked.

"Doctors appointment" I answered simply.

They continued on with their conversation in which I listened in on but it went in on ear and out the other. The teacher came in and instructed us to our seats. I sat down looking at the empty desk of Lucy. This might have been what Lucy felt when I didn't show up to school because I got sick.

Ah I remember she got mad at me. She shouted at me telling me how dumb I was to agree to that bet. I played with the bracelet on my hand. Lucy needs to hurry and come to school, it looks weird not having the other side of the bracelet here. I guess maybe it's weird to not have my best friend here too. Why does that sentence sound wrong? Eh it's probably not important.

I returned to look at the teacher. I could also see Yukino's smile on her face as if one of her ships was sailing just like Mira. The time passed by until Lunch. Lucy was nowhere to be seen. My phone vibrated. I picked it up. What convenient timing, Lucy texted me that she probably wasn't going to come to school today.

I looked at the text a little saddened. Lucy wasn't going to be here for the day. What an annoying turn of events. I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I looked at the pink haired girl who stood before me.

"Leo told me to invite you since Lucy isn't coming to school today" Aries said.

"How did yo-" I started.

"You're not the only one Lucy texts, she told me that she wouldn't be here like 2 minutes ago and that I should take care of you or something like that" Aries informed me.

I don't need to be taken care of. She makes it sound like I'm a child. I probably shouldn't be happy that she's worried for me but I am. I followed Aries towards their table. I got along with all of them. They all have splendid personalities.

The bell telling me Lunch ended rang and I stood up. I made my way to my locker, grabbing my books and putting my lunch away. I went quickly into the classroom. Only  about 3 periods until I could leave to Lucy's house. I just had to get through that and this day is over.

Those 3 periods went by way slower than I anticipated. I was exhausted by the end of the day so when that bell finally rang. I nearly screamed in joy. I bolted out of the classroom as fast as I could. I made it to my locker in record time. I got all my items out, put my books in and got out of the building in 5 minutes flat. I smiled to myself. That's the fastest that I've ever done it.

I needed to remember about talking to Lucy about Leo. I jogged to Lucy's house, opening the door with my key. I peeked in through the door to find the Tv blasting at full volume. I tiptoed towards the couch after I closed the door quietly. I stood behind the couch and wrapped my arms around Lucy's neck and said boo.

"Hey Natsu" Lucy said.

My scaring tactic had failed. I let go of Lucy's neck and dropped my bag. I grabbed the remote out of her hand and lowered the volume.

"It's way too loud plus I want to talk to you about something" I told her.

"Get it over with, I can barely hear my show" Lucy said.

"I talked to Leo and he said you give him short answers and you don't seem to want to talk to him for the last month plus you keep ignoring him" I started.

"Your point?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked back.

"No reason that concerns you, some things shouldn't be said out loud" Lucy answered.

"That's not an answer Lucy" I told her.

"Why are you so hung up on making me talk to him?" She asked obviously irritated.

"He seems to genuinely want to be your friend yet you keep ignoring him plus he's a really nice person" I answered.

"You only see what's on the surface not what's deep inside. You should know this. Trust me I know" She told me.

"Why are you just giving me vague answers?" I asked my voice raising a bit.

"Because the real answers don't concern you" Lucy said turning towards me.

"Why wouldn't they concern me?" I asked trying to keep my anger in check.

"Because it's a business only Leo and I need to know and you don't need to interfere" Lucy said anger laced in her voice.

"All I'm trying to do is get you another friend, you made it sound like I was sending you to do the impossible. He's not a bad guy, the fact that you can't understand that is why you haven't been able to make friends without me" I shouted finally losing my cool.

I felt myself get dragged towards Lucy's face.

"Lets get this clear Dragneel, I didn't need friends, that's the only reason I didn't try and make any. And what makes you think out of all people do you think that if try and make friends with that guy. I'd rather die than ever try and become close to him. Now Dragneel do me a favor and get out. I don't want to see you" Lucy shouted at me releasing my collar.

She stormed upstairs mad at me. That went out of hand. Happy rubbed his head on my leg. I picked him up and grabbed my bag. I left without saying or trying to clear up what I meant. I didn't go to work that evening. I just stayed home.

I probably shouldn't have said that.

Came up with this idea like an hour ago and then put it into action. Sorry for not updating in forever. I had no inspiration to write. I should be able to put out the next chapter today or tommorow. Probably this week.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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