Chapter 32: A normal day

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Lucy P.O.V
Friday Feb 1st

Natsu seems a little too excited about February. He seems to like the month a lot, maybe more than Halloween. He's still talking about it even when we walk to school which we're doing right now.

"I always get mountains and mountains of chocolate, I kind of want to try and beat my record this year" Natsu said excitedly.

"Mhm" I said back.

"Are you even listening to me Lucy?" He asked.

"No, I think I blocked out at least half of your conversation" I answered.

Natsu puffed out his cheeks.

"I had other things to think about like the Biology test next week" I said.

Natsu groaned.

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask you Lucy but do you like sweet things?" He asked.

"Sweet th-" I started but was cut off.

"You must love sweet things after all you hang out with me" He said smiling.

"Your ego seems to have grown" I commented.

He flashed me a smile that he was proud and I rolled my eyes. The school came into view and we began jogging faster towards it. I had gotten there first of course with Natsu a step behind me.

We entered the school seeing it had been decorated for Valentine's day which I had forgotten happened in February. There were love hearts EVERYWHERE. I ignored them and we walked to Natsu's locker.

Natsu was opening his locker with precaution but he kept getting the code wrong as if scared of opening it.

"What are you doing Natsu?" I asked. "We have to get to class hurry up"

"I'm scared, I was once buried in Valentine letters and love hearts, heck someone managed to squeeze chocolate in my locker" He replied.

I raised my eyebrows at his foolishness.

"Here I'll open it, just give me your code" I told him.

He whispered his code into my ear. I put it in but didn't open it yet.

"I'll carry your bag" Natsu offered.

I gave it to him and opened it. I was buried in letters, love hearts and I think chocolate. I quickly got out trying to remove the glitter off me. Natsu was laughing at me.

"It's not funny Natsu, this glitter feels strange" I complained.

"I told you" Natsu laughed while saying.

We were cleaning the letters and putting them in bags and stuffing as many as possible into Natsu's bag. It looks like girls wrote multiple letters to Natsu. It took us forever. By the time we were done, it was halfway through first period. I sighed out of annoyance.

"Want some chocolate?" Natsu asked.

"That's meant for you not me, you should eat it" I answered.

Natsu frowned.

"I'm trying not to eat too much chocolate so I thought maybe you could help me eat some of it" Natsu said.

"Not too much huh" I said. "Couldn't you think of something more believable?"

"Can you at least try it for me?" He asked.

"Eh sure but all I'm doing is trying it" I answered.

I grabbed one piece of chocolate and tasted it. It was milk chocolate, my personal favorite.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Good, it's milk chocolate" I answered.

"I hate milk chocolate, dark chocolate is better" Natsu announced.

"I like dark chocolate but milk chocolate is way better" I said back.

"I don't want it Lucy, you can have it" Natsu said shoving the box of chocolates into my hand.

Natsu picked up the last card and put it into his overflowing locker and we went to the office explaining our situation. They still gave us a late slip saying we were late. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. We both headed to second period as by the time we were done, second period was about to start.

We waited outside the classroom for a minute or so before the bell rang for first period to end. We entered the classroom an of explained to the teacher. We took our seats quickly after that.

When Yukino and Sting entered, they looked at us with questionable looks and took their seats. We didn't get to explain to them until Lunch where they just nodded and headed away.

Natsu and I headed to Lunch, ignoring all the decorations and talking about the more common topics in life. It was like a routine now. I quite liked it.

The day went by fast and by the time it ended, I sighed in relief. For the first time in forever, the teachers had decided to be nice and given us no homework.

As we exited the school, we basically ran as fast as we could away. We left the school still talking about the burying of me under a pile of Valentine's gifts. We entered my house and were greeted by Happy and Plue.

Mira had accidentally set the stove in fire and the restaurant was closed for repair as there were a few more things broken. Natsu and I had planned to go to the dojo feeling as if we needed to practice more.

We started to head to the dojo quickly after eating and we started to head towards the room we practice in but were quickly called back by Makarov.

"Okay brats we have a new person working here after I figured you guys would need help cleaning up as you already do such a horrible job at it" Makarov announced.

A beautiful white haired female walked towards us and smiled at everyone.

Why does the term white haired sound so famil- Oh my, it's Mira isn't it?

It is. I groaned internally. As soon as Makarov said we should go, I dragged Natsu towards our place in the dojo.

"What's Mira doing working here?" Natsu asked.

"Who knows but I can promise it's not just to only work" I answered.

"Hey guys" Mira said from behind me.

I turned around.

"Hey Mira" I said back.

"So Mira what are you doing here?" Natsu asked.

"The normal stuff" She answered.

"So to work?" Natsu asked.

"That too, anyways I'll see you guys around" She answered and left.

It's something concerning her ships, that's why she's working here. I'm calling it.


I know it's bad but I had no inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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