Chapter 42: Two perspectives

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Lucy P.O.V
Sunday March 17th

It's the middle of the day. It's unusually quiet. I'm laying in my bed just doing nothing. Plue is curled up next to me. He's been pretty calm this whole weekend. The argument with Natsu, he wouldn't get it. It doesn't involve him. Why couldn't he get that through his head? You guys may blame me for not just telling him but we all know you have one secret that you can't tell anyone.

This reminds me of the reason why I hate friendships. They never last, it's just full of unnecessary drama that could be solved easily. I can't say I'm at fault, he did say some heartless stuff but I guess I should have waited to hear what he'd say next. When did I become so soft? Normally they would storm out and that would be the end of that. Why do I want him to come back?

Friendships sucks. Shows make it look so easy but when you boil down to it. Long lasting friendships require work. Back to my problems, there is a slim chance Natsu's coming back here when I kicked him out. This is his fault, he should have just kept the heartless stuff in his head. Didn't his mo- Oh yeah she. I should stop blaming him this is my fault.

I stood up from the bed in my pajamas heading downstairs with the tiny hope that Natsu would be sitting on that couch. Noone was there. What a futile hope.

So I've come to ch- where's Natsu?

I explained to her what happened.

Well this wasn't in the plan. I've got to roll with it I guess. Why dont you apologize?

Haha you're me and you don't know. My stupid pride won't allow that.

Suck up your pride child and go apologize.

It's not happening. I made my way to my kitchen, cooking myself some Lunch before heading to the living room. I watched TV for a while laying down. Somewhere along the way, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was evening. Plue was bouncing on my stomach and I groaned.

"Sorry I didn't give you lunch, just had a lot on my mind" I said.

I quickly got up and gave him dinner. My appetite was lost. I didn't feel like eating.

I screamed out of frustration. This situation is stressing me to the max. My breath became forced. My heart was beating fast. I clutched my chest. Everywhere is spinning, I want to throw up. I'm being choked. Why does it feel so bad? What am I doing here? Who am I? What's wrong with me? I'm scared.

Slowly but surely the fear and pain stopped. I lay on the ground exhausted. Plue licking my face. He ran off and grabbed my blanket from upstairs. I pulled it over myself. He laid down beside me curling up next to my face. With that I slept for the rest of the night.

Natsu P.O.V
Sunday March 17th

I'm bored. Everywhere is a blank wall. Just laying in my room contemplating my life and why the stupidest things come out of my mouth. I essentially told her that all the friends she's made is because of me which is kind of true but maybe I should have worded it a little better. I rolled around in my bed. I shouldn't have let my anger take control of me.

I stood up and looked outside. Mid day. Normally Lucy would have been awake for a little over an hour now without me to wake her up. Happy had been sleeping in the corner not bothering to come towards me. I tried to hug him and he scratched me and escaped. I just wanted a hug. If that was Lucy, she wouldn't complain at all.

This fight is so incovienient and annoying. I want my Lucy back. My? I mean I want Lucy back. She's my best friend. It's like going to school without your friend everyday. It sucks. Maybe I should go and apologize. I probably won't do that. I hate my pride. I stood up from my bed heading to the kitchen. This place feels so weird and empty. It also feels dark. I'm used to Lucy's house so this place is really strange. I don't even know where everything is. I picked up a pan and lay it down.

Ah I guess keeping my spirits up by doing random things isn't going to cut it. I hate my angry side. I hate that it controls me and I hate that it made me lose an important person to me. I should just stay in my room and sleep. If I do that, maybe all my problems will solve themselves. I headed towards my room, crashing on the bed. Happy came and lay beside me pawing my face before going to sleep.

I slept for who knows how long. It was about the time that I needed to head for work. Such a bother. Maybe I'll see Lucy there even if it's just from afar. I left Happy in my room with some food and water before heading towards work. I would normally be talking with Lucy right now or teasing her. I haven't seen her in 2 days but it feels like forever. I ran quickly and got changed before coming out into the restaurant. I distracted myself with work until Mira and Lisanna dragged me to the changing room.

"Where's Lucy?" Mira asked.

I shrugged not really wanting to answer.

"I'm going to diagnose this in fangirls logic, she's sick, she moved to another country because her parents set her up for an arranged marriage and she has to go back but you're confused about your feelings so you think you should go to that country and find it out for yourself or you guys are fighting. We both know it's not the middle one." Lisanna laughed.

"You guys in a fight?" Mira asked softly.

I nodded.

"Okay child. Let Mama Mira fix your so called fri- what are you doing?" She asked.

I had hugged Lisanna from behind and buried my nose in her neck.

"Natsu!" Mira exclaimed seething.

"It's not the same" I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Its not the same as when I hug Lucy" I said blushing a tiny bit.

"Aww that was cute" They both said. "We'll forgive you for that okay?"

I nodded.

"You're also blushing too, I never thought I'd see this day" Mira gushed. "Okay I'll help. Come to my house after school on Friday and I'll invite Lucy and fix your relationship okay?"

"Really thanks a lot Mira!" I exclaimed.

I left but not before hearing Mira say.

"What a beautiful relationship that can bloom from this"

A relationship between Lucy and I is impossible. Impossible... I need to stop with this blushing it's weird.

I haven't updated in a week and I'm so sorry. I felt like writing today so I did. I have school tommorow and a project due but meh. Don't have school this Friday so if I can I'll update.

I tried to show both feelings of the two people. A little more from Natsu though. Ahhh I feel so soft. I was thinking if all the romantic things I'd make them do when they got together and I felt like writing.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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