Shoto Todoroki|

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Nearly everybody in school school knew about the both of you. Sneaking peeks at each other, talking during breaks and lunch, both of you liked each other.

'(Y/N) would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?' said a shy Shoto, a dark red blush covering his cheeks.

'Of course!' you replied, hugging the cute boy.

Remembering that moments sent butterflies to the pit of your stomach. Frequently going to each other's houses, sitting in comfortable silence or laughing until your stomachs hurt. The bi-coloured haired boy had made you feel like you were the happiest girl in the word in return, you made him feel powerful as you helped him along with his mum, use his left side.

The boys in 1-A thought that (y/n) was absolutely stunning. With your beautiful (h/c) hair that trailed behind you, your (e/c) orbs beautiful, breathe taking. How Shoto had gotten you was a mystery to them.

(y/n) was currently sitting outside, the boys in 1-A swarming her with questions and conversations. You didn't really like all the attention, replying with a usual 'uuh' and agreeing to something someone else had said. You felt terrified but put on a strong front to keep good relations throughout the class.

Shoto did not like this one bit. Watching his girlfriend talking to these boys and showing off her cute smile to them. That smile belonged to him. He couldn't help her, even though he knew she was anxious, upset, watching her from afar because he had to help a teacher.

The teacher could see the anger radiating off of him, and saw ice spread across the table he was sitting at.

You stood up, stretching and felt someone touching your ass. Anger surged through you and you looked at Mineta with a what-the-fuck-do-you-think-you're-doing face and got your leg ready to kick him.

Ice spread across the grass, surrounding your ankle, looking behind you, you saw your boyfriend, his eyes shadowed and knuckles squeezed in a punch. He looked at Mineta with venomous eyes and grabbed the small boy, launching him off with a fireball.

'Sh-Shoto-kun!' you shouted, relief welling up inside you.

'Everyone, leave, NOW!' Shoto shouted, the boys scampering away.

He melted the ice, marching over to you.

'Todoroki, it's not what it looks like, they were-' you stuttered, petrified of what he was going to do.

You got cut off by a soft touch on your lips, tasting of strawberry. Shoto kissed you, sliding his hands through your hair and smirking against your mouth.

He went back a little and whispered into your ear 'I love you' followed by him snaking is arms around your waist and pulling you into a hug.

'I love you too'

A/N: Thank you for reading! Comment suggestions on who you want next :)

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