Shota Aizawa|

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hard to convey.

You were a teacher at U.A high, working along the side of Shota Aizawa the lazy bastard who was powerful yet completely useless at teaching homeroom which meant you had to do it.

He was also useless at conveying his feelings – you learnt this as he would secretly put chocolate on your desk and when you would confront him about it, he would play it off like he knew nothing.

One day, he came up to you.

'Hey (l/n) what's your favourite chocolate (or sweet or vegetable or chair anyone. I prefer oak chairs, has a nice sappy taste to it)?'

'Why do you ask? And please call me (f/n) we're friends!' you said, smiling at Aizawa.

'U-um just some research for the teachers you know..' Shota trailed off, looking in another direction and scratched behind his ears.

'Oh okay well my favourites (your favourite)' you said, walking into Shota's line of vision.

He got out a crumpled piece of paper and wrote it down, shoving it back into his pocket and muttered a 'goodbye' and scurried out of the room. You let out a sigh, chuckling and made your way out of the room.

The next day you came in early, witnessing the sight of Shota stuffing a little note as long as your favourite (whatever you want :)) and tucking it in your folder.

'Hey Aizawa!' you chirped flashing him a smile.

'O-h uh hi?' He questioned and went behind his desk.

You walked over to yours, diving straight into your folder. You saw the things Shota had placed in it and opened up the note.

'Hey look! It's a note' you said loud enough for Shota to hear.

'Oh really?' he said and carried on looking through paperwork.

'It says-' you cleared your throat.

'Dear (y/n),

I like you. Meet me at the park at 5 PM

From, your secret admirer'

You blushed, looking at Shota who was looking at you which made you look away.

'O-oh wow, I never knew someone liked me I mean why me?' you questioned, frowning.

'Who couldn't like you? You're-' Shota paused, making sure he didn't blow it.

'Thanks Shota that means a lot' you said, smiling at the flustered man.

'No problemo (y/n)' he said.

After school ~

You rushed out of work, getting loads of weird looks. The apartment you lived in was close by so you rushed in and threw on some decent clothes, brushed your teeth and did your face and put your hair up in a bun. (If you have short hair then you have it down whatever you prefer)

4:50 came by quickly and you made your way to the park, greeting students and some other teachers.

You glanced at your phone, seeing it was 5:10 and looked for Shota, seeing him with a frantic look on his face.

'Hey Shota what are you doing here?' you asked, a light pink dusting your cheeks.

'You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago' he said and pulled you down next him.

'Yeah I know, I wonder where the person is' you said, anxiety coursing through you.

'It's me' he confessed, looking at you.

'U-uh really?' you stuttered. You were happy, extremely. Your blood danced around inside of you and rose to your cheeks and ears.

'I knew you didn't like me, I'm so stupid' Shota got up and started walking away, you grabbed his hand quickly and faced him towards you.

'I do like you Shota' you said softly, your legs shaking. You'd never been confessed to before so you didn't know how to react. A cold hand grazed your cheek, leaving you covered in goosebumps. Suddenly he hugged you, his scarf nuzzling into your neck.

'Umph- Shota too tight' you muffled, letting out a deep breath when you parted.

'I'm sorry' he said, smiling down at you.

You brushed your hand against his scarf, trailing your hand to his cheek.

'You're so perfect' you mumbled.

'You too buttercup'

A/N: Another one shot, I did two in one day because I had another idea. I wrote this one pretty quickly because I was into it.

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