Bakugou Katsuki|

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face masks and arguments.

I was sitting down when Bakugou approached me with a pout on his lips. Ever since we had that argument yesterday I'd been ignoring him.


I was doing the washing and Bakugou come up to me.

'Where's my salmon coloured top?' he asked, frowning. I chuckled, laughing at the way he called it salmon instead of pink.

'I think you mean pink coloured shirt' I said, earning a glare.

'It's salmon!' he argued, slightly angry.

'It's pink Bakugou' I chuckled and took out all the wet clothes and put them in the basket to take out on the line. I looked up at Bakugou and saw his eyebrows furrow meaning he was pissed off.

'Its. Fucking. Salmon. YOU BITCH!' he shouted and I stumbled out of the washing room to the line with tears in my eyes.

Bakugou kept on coming up to me and tried to hug me but I dodged them, keeping my distance because I was upset. It was petty but he needed to know that he shouldn't be so angry all the time.

That night I slept on the couch, deciding that I would just plain out ignore him for that day.

End of flashback~

'Baaaaaabe' Bakugou whined, looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked up at him and back to the T.V to annoy him.

'Baby, I didn't mean to shout it just came out. I'm s-s-sorry' Bakugou stuttered sorry, making me smile.

I hummed, sipping on my (f/d) and felt a large weight on my lap. I looked down to see Bakugou, a smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at him when he pulled different faces.

'You're so beautiful' Bakugou whispered, cupping my cheek. I blushed and let out a little squeak to which I was laughed at.

'Do you forgive me?' He said, caressing my cheek. I nodded and leaned down to peck him on the lips. I could see him blush and peppered kisses all over his face. He groaned and held my hand and placed it in his hair.

I smirked, looking at him with that precious scowl on his face again and dragged my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and let out a little noise.

'You're like a baby kitten!' I gushed and he poked me in the stomach. He didn't open his eyes just kept on poking my stomach. Laughing, I caressed his face and saw dark circles below them with a tint of red.

'Didn't you get enough sleep, your eyes are puffy?' I muttered and Bakugou's eyes snapped open and he looked the other way.

'Without you next to me I can't sleep properly' he murmured and I hugged him, drawing pictures over his back. Bakugou kissed my neck and put pieces of hair behind my ear.

I got up, Bakugou groaned and his arms dropped to his sides. I made my way over to the cabinet and pulled out two face masks.

'No' Bakugou said bluntly and I pouted, making him break.

'Just get over here!' he said and I ran over to him and pulled him down onto my lap.

I ripped open the packet, dipping my hands into the green goo and swiped it gently over Bakugou's face. After I did that I opened mine to do myself but was stopped when he grabbed my wrist and got up, pinning me down.

I let out a moan, him setting his legs beside my body and I laughed at his green face. He put the stuff delicately on my face and we waited 10 minutes for it to be washed off.


'You're the most gorgeous human being I've ever seen' Bakugou whispered in my ear when we were lying down in our bed.

I blushed at his remark and snuggled into his chest, his face nuzzling into my neck. I loved times like these and was grateful to have him.

-2 years later-

'AKIHIKO GET HERE NOW' I shouted, slightly angry. The coffee maker was obliterated and the boy was only 2 years old and had his quirk.

Akihiko came in, cowering in the corner with tears at the corner of his eyes. I dropped my anger and ran straight to him, hugging the life out of him. We both went into the living room and watched a movie.

Bakugou came downstairs and sat behind me. I beamed at him and lay down on him. Akihiko whined and grabbed my boob, making Bakugou growl.

'These are mine' Bakugou said and cupped my boobs, making me laugh. Akihiko slapped his hands and hugged me making faces behind my back.

'Stop it' I said, shuffling out of Bakugou's grip but failing when he pulled me back and put his hands around my waist.

'Don't go babe' he whined into my ear and I gave up completely, watching the movie with my two favourite people.

'Tom Holland is so good looking' I muttered under my breath, watching him talk to Ned.

Bakugou heard this and the T.V was turned off immediately and I put Akihiko on the settee next to me.

'Why did you do that for?' I said, looking at Bakugou who was angry.

He tackled me onto the sofa and tickled me, almost making me piss myself. He leaned down and kissed my neck.

'Your mine and only mine (y/n). I love you so fucking much'

A/N: Sorry for writing another Bakugou one, this one is over 800 words so yay? Another fluff. Sorry for the repetitive words my writing sucks ;)

Thank you for all the nice comments, they really helped me. I'm glad that he and I were only friends and you lot helped me not be so anxious about the situation.

I got the face mask idea from daydreaming about my crush, how sad am I.

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