Tokoyami Fumikage|

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'.. You're not Tokoyami' I whispered, looking at this boy in front of me.

This was unusual. Unless the Fumikage's had unexpectedly popped out another child?

'O-oh hi love' Tokoyami stuttered, a nervous smile in his face. He even sounded like Tokoyami and had the same mannerisms when he was worried about something.

Walking over to the unfamiliar but familiar boy, I raked my hands through his hair and tried to see if it felt the same as Tokoyami. To my surprise, it did.

'Tokoyami, what happened?' I asked, poking his smooth cheek. His face was like a china dolls, but had a soft feel to it. Tokoyami poured at me and nudged my finger away making me laugh.

'Well... every once in a while my face turns into a human boys and-' Tokoyami wen on and on and all I could think about was how hot he looked. His red eyes were warm and he had long thick eyelashes, his hair wasn't spiky but now was soft and fell to the side. He had a small button nose and really nice lips.


'Huh what did you say sorry?' I asked bluntly, soon realising how rude that sounded looked up at him. 'Oh that was rude, sorry but I couldn't really get over ho-how good looking you are' i said bashfully, Tokoyami going red under my gaze.

'W-wow uh thanks?' He said, more like questioning why I was so weird. I leaned in and kissed Tokoyami, trying to adjust to the whole situation. It was only a peck until I leaned back.

'Can we do that again?' Tokoyami asked, cocking his head a little to the side and I could see the tips of his ears go red. I nodded, leaning in and kissing him passionately, my hand holding the nape of his neck so that I could kiss him deeper.

A few minutes later we were having a full on make out war, until Tokoyami leant back and a string of saliva connected us. I saw a few feathers pop out and suddenly Tokoyami was a bird again.

'This isn't going to change us, right?' Tokoyami asked, scratching behind his neck. I laughed, the sight of seeing Tokoyami turn into a bird was quite amusing.

'Of course not sweet heart, I love your human form but I think this form is good as well- even better!' I planted a quick kiss on Tokoyami a beak and hugged him. 'Also, you're a very comfy head rest so what else could I ask for?'

Tokoyami hugged back harder, his hand rubbing up and down my back, at the end of the day the both of us ended up falling asleep on the floor with a blanket over us.


A/N: Thankyou for reading this part and I made it for my feathery baby man I love him and haven't wrote about him for ages.

Thankyou for reading my one shots in makes my day seeing all your messages pop up on my phone :)

Also I would just like to ask what you think about Mark Salling? (The guy from glee who had some sort of fetish for young children) I think it's disgusting and how he chose the petty way of getting out of a prison sentence by killing himself. If you've done something then you need the punishment.

Thankyou again for everything (:

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