Shota Aizawa|

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Walking into the classroom I smiled at Yagi and waved.

'Wow (l/n)-san is so cute' said a few voices behind me. Yagi waved back and I went over to him.

'Hello Yagi-kun! I was wondering if you'd done the homework yet?' I asked an pulled out the mass of homework I'd one. Yagi was... awful at the subject and I helped him. The blondie made a guilty face and scratched his neck.

'.. Not yet but if you could just he-' he said until he was cut off by a large thud on his table. Seems that Aizawa was here. 'You shouldn't ask (l/n) san to do your homework,' he said in a monotone voice and sent a pointed look my way 'and you shouldn't be giving him the answers' he ended in a deeper tone. I cracked an awkward smile and slid the piece of paper with the answers (some fake so that we wouldn't get caught)

'Hmph you're no fun shota-kun' Yagi sighed and began to braid my hair. Shota glared at Yagi and I couldn't help but laugh.

'You're so nice braiding my hair, I'm extremely bad at it' I laughed, Shota looked bored as usual and sat in the seat in front of me and Yagi.

'Yeah but your hair feels so nice,' Yagi turned my face around so I was looking at him and pulled some pieces out to make it look not so formal 'and its actually quite fun' with that he kissed me on the cheek and joined some of the other boys for football.

'Sargent moody, what is for lunch today?' I asked, pulling my chair up to his table. He seemed out of it until I poked his cheek.

'Today is vegetables and rice' He answered a smirk on his face.

'Okay!' I answered with a smile, eating the food in delight. Even Shota's vegetables were nice. The smirk from his face disappeared from his face to a look of confusion?

'Why are you so nice? Even to me?' He wondered and caught me looking hurt. How could he even ask that?

'Why do you think? You're so nice and sweet, even though you act so cold. You really should give yourself some more credit' I said and picked at the vegetables. A tear slid did his face and he dived into his scarf.

'T-thankyou' his voice was mumbled below the thick cloth. My heart warmness up and I chuckled.

'Wow we're getting all sentimental today aren't we?' I questioned and popped a carrot in my mouth. Shota gave me a close lipped smile and slid a piece of chocolate my way. The bell went off and I put my chair back into the table it belonged and pet Shota on the head before sitting behind him.


'Hey (l/n)-san do you want to come round tonight?' Yagi asked, smiling. Tonight was our movie night but he always asked beforehand. Shota coughed and nudged me. 'If its okay would you mind if you came round my house today?' he asked which took me by surprise. Yagi seemed to have gotten the message and said he actually had something to do.

'So what are we gonna do round your house?' I asked, popping the piece of chocolate I had gotten from the boy earlier. He shrugged and then we headed off towards his house.

Despite his cold nature, Aizawa's house smelt sweet like vanilla. I breathed in and sighed in contempt, enjoying it. Gaining a weird look from him, I poked his side and walked up the stairs.

Shota's room was neat, a few clothes lying around but it looked immaculate. Kicking the clothes under his bed, he then proceeded to get dressed and then sit on his bed.

I followed suit, siting beside him. The T.V was turned on and we were now engaged in a new anime that had recently come out.

'Wow she's a real bitch being mean to that girl!' I said and Shota flicked my ear. Pouting I looked at him and flicked him on the forehead.

'Don't. Swear.' he said darkly and I nodded, deciding I'd rather not be killed by the death machine hanging around his neck. Pecking his cheek I returned back to his side and played my head on his shoulder.

'I like you' I said, hiding my nerves in my chest. Shota jumped a little, I could tell.

'U-uh I like you too (l/n)-san' he stumbled on his words and I smiled, taking his hand in mine.

'Do you mind if I kiss you?' his question was abrupt and I was slightly shocked he'd asked it in all fairness. He pecked my forehead, slowly making his way round my whole face while I erupted into giggles. Then, he reached my lips and wound his arms around my waist.

'We should do that more often..' Shota said and pecked me on my forehead again.


'You're going out?!' Yagi exclaimed grabbing everyones attention. All the boys looked at me and sighed as Shota put his arm around my waist (I would totally do this if someone hit on my girlfriend) with a frown.

'Yes' Shota said for the last time, sitting down in his seat. I sat on Yagi's table and he looked at me weirdly.

'I can't do that! You've got a boyfriend!' He shouted and I smacked my head against my hand. The boy was really dense and knew that he could still do it.

'You can still braid my hair!' I said loudly and Shota added 'but no kissing his cheek' shaking my head Yagi started.


So here's the second one shot hehe. I love Shota and Shinsou like my babs.

I feel like I'm being ignored????? On purpose??? maybe I'm imagining it and its just me being paranoid or some shit.

I actually like this one but I still need some more ideas :))))

Also are my one shots getting repetitive ? I feel like you might get bored of them :(

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