Momo Yaoyorozu|

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Ever since I was young, all my mother would go about was the piece of red lace that ties two people together. They would get married, have children and 'live happily ever after'.

Bull shit.

Now, if that was oh so true, how comes that piece of lace caused my mum a divorce and a large debt that loomed over the two of us like a nightmare?

Obviously this made me change my mind about soulmates. Before my dad left me, I thought about meeting my 'prince' living happily ever after in a large tower and having our perfect child who would turn out to be so wonderful.

The thing was, I didn't want a prince. I wanted a princess.

A girl who would listen to me, hug me, tell me everything was okay and also just love me for me. 

I didn't have that special attraction to men, only to women. The thought of kissing the opposite gender didn't leave me with butterflies but instead a feeling of slight disgust. Only slight, I wasn't a man hater for sure. 

Your body works how it wants to work. I couldn't reject the feelings I had, ever.


Sitting down in the cafeteria, I saw Momo.

Momo was one of my friends, we'd never really fought because she was so cute I couldn't. The fact that she was taller also made a huge problem. She'd always come up to me and hug me, her smile made me feel light and she'd kiss me on the top of my head making me go in a slight daze.

'Hey (y/n) have you gotten a soulmate yet?' Momo asked, looking slightly hopeful. I shook my head no, to which a small smile made its way onto her lips. 

'I don't believe in soulmates' I said and sipped my water, scraping the last of my soup with a piece of bread and popping hot into my mouth. Momo looked slightly doubtful but that just made her even more cute. 


'Well, we're going to get one someday right?' She laughed, and pushed her tray away from herself. That got me thinking, did I have to actually have a soulmate? Surely I could bend the rules and try to get a girlfriend? Surely there was girl and girl soulmates out there?

'I hope mines a girl' I breathed and Momo looked shocked, her expression made me anxious, I'd never told anyone about this but here I was still yapping about how I like girls.

'-I mean no I dont' I said quickly and looked down at my hand. I knew she was a kind hearted girl, heck maybe even too sweet for her own good but perhaps she didn't believe in that stuff. 

'Me too' she whispered, looking at me. Ochaco joined us and we quickly returned to the positions we were in, I coughed to get the frog out of my throat.

'What are you two talking about?' she said happily and I felt myself sweat a little bit.

'O-oh just school stuff' Momo replied but was bright red, I felt myself heating up too. Ochaco looked at us and then the bell went off.


The next day I couldn't go in. 

I was sick.

The shabby apartment was now mine, the walls peeling and a yellow-y colour. But I liked it, I'd grown accustomed to it.

Suddenly a knocking at the door brought me out of my daze and I padded over to the door and opened it to see Momo.

'O-o-oh hi Momo' my voice cracked and I felt a slight prick of anxiety wash over me. None of my friends had never seen my house and it was embarrassing for them to know I lived in such a place.

'Oh hi (y/n)!' Momo said and her eyes trailed down to my chest. She quickly took of her jumper and wrapped it tightly around me, and then pushed me inside pulling the door behind her.

'I brought some snacks with me, I hope you like chocolate? And some tea it helps' Momo said and gently pushed me onto the couch before going into the kitchen. I settled down into the dip of the seat and the black haired girl ran into the front room.

'Oh my I'm so sorry! You don't mind me here do you?' she said in a high pitched voice and I shook my head no, waving her off into the kitchen. She cared too much.


'I hope you don't mind peppermint tea? I can get anoth-' 

'Peppermin is fine' I sighed and drunk the hot drink. It made me a little more better and the chocolate melted in my mouth. My eyes caught the receipt and I gasped.

'Momo! This is so expensive!' 

'Well yes' she replied and scratched the back of her head.

'I won't be able to pay you back though!' I said worriedly and Momo looked confused.

'Pay me back?'  she asked and looked down at the tea in her hand. 

'Yeah, its what friends do, you know? So I repay the favour!' I said anxiously and Momo looked at me.

'Well if you care so much, why dont you become my girlfriend?' My heart started going hay wire and I started feeling slightly hot. My stomach exploded with butterflies and a red string came out of nowhere.

'...Soulmates?' I whispered and tears formed at the corner of my eyes.

'Yes, we've been all this time but you didn't believe in it, making the string hard for you to see. Lets say blind love?' She questioned and put the cracked cup down on the off-brown table.

She walked over to me and placed her arms around my neck. Tears slipped down my cheeks and she wiped them away, leaving trail of kisses there instead.


So I felt like writing this because I've been liking girls more than boys recently. 


ive been feeling like crap but I swear that I will attempt to write more. 

Also sorry for the repetition and how spaced out it is, I just needed to write about my bab..

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