Bakugou Katsuki|

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Walking into my apartment, I saw a bunch of blankets and pillows in a fort position.



Get in the fucking fort

From Katsuki

Seeing the glint of red peering at me I laughed, dropping all of the contents I had in my hand onto the sofa.

'You're such a child' I laughed, shuffling into the fort and squeezing in next to Bakugou.

'Yeah but I got bored waiting for you' he whispered and I blushed, nudging his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

'Well its not my fault you got suspended for a few days because you gave someone a death threat now is it?' I asked and shook my head at the pout he had on his lips.

'That rich prick shouldn't of been all lovey-dovey with you!' he whined and I pinched his nose taking of my shoes and flinging them out of the fort. Bakugou huffed and I took of the jumper I had on.

'I wrote down notes about everything we did today so you wouldn't be-' Bakugou grabbed my wrist and saw the bandage on it.

'What the fuck happened?' he asked in an angered voice. I chuckled lightly and undid the bandage, revealing the large burn mark that looked nasty.

'I was having a dual and Shouto burnt me, he apologised about a million times and actually made a pretty handy ice pack' I said, looking at the burn and up at a cross Bakugou.

'I'll kill that half and half bastard!' he said through gritted death and I sighed, playing my hand on his thigh.

'Theres no need, it was an honest mistake on his part' I pleaded and Bakugou nodded, pecking me on the lips. I smiled, lying down and pulling Bakugou with me.

'You're so weird' he whispered and pulled me into his warm body.


The tie

'Hey Bakugou!' I shouted, holding his tie in my hand. He grunted, meaning a 'yes'.

'You've got to wear a tie, its a formal event' I said and he grunted again, this time a ticked off expression on his face.

'I don't need that useless thing strangling me!' he replied loudly and I huffed in annoyance. Then I remembered, he never wore a tie.

'Bakugou hun?' I asked, he nodded and I walked towards him, 'do you perhaps not know how to tie a tie?' Bakugou stood still for a moment and he gulped.

'Of course I fucking do!' he replied and grabbed it from out of my hand. He put to around his neck and fiddled with the material as if he didn't know what it was.

Walking over to him, I took it out of his hand and did his top buttons, obviously knowing he'd forget to do them. He was always looking like a rebel. I slipped the tie around his neck and looped it, tucking it into itself. (???? I know how to tie a tie but not explain it)

'There ya go!' I chirped and Bakugou went red, muttering a thank you and kissing me on the forehead.

'I can't believe you dont know-'


I laughed.


Newly-wed life

Clambering out of bed I looked at Bakugou, the fucking snoring bear who kept me up half the night.

'Bakugou, time to get up' I prodded at his cheek and chucked at his expression. He looked like a bear as well.

'No' he grunted and turned the other way. Sighing, I padded over to the sink in the bathroom and filled it up with cold water, pouring a little onto his face. Within seconds he got up, with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

'What the fuck!' He shouted and chased after me, making me run for my life. Luckily I had a bit of my mum's quirk, super-speed so that was an advantage. The down side was that Bakugou had fucking bombs in his hand and could use those to catch up with me.

I fell onto the couch and Bakugou pinned me there. I smiled nervously, grabbing a fistful of his t-short and fiddling with it.

'I'm.. sorry?' I whispered and he smirked.

'Your gonna have to do a lot more than say you're sorry' he said lowly and crashed his lips against mine, slipping his hands around my waist.

'Can we do this later? After work?' I asked and Bakugou complied, getting off of me and settling down next to me.

'You're fucking annoying but I do love you' he said and looked at me.

'I love you too' I smiled and a slight blush made its way on his face.


Wanking off (lemon)

'Fuck off!' Bakugou roared and I winced at how loud he was being.

'Look Bakugou, its not my fault seeing you... doing yourself...' I said and Bakugou glared at me, obviously pissed off I caught him doing the deed. 'It's a part of human nature, I get it!' I pleaded with him and looked down at the huge bulge in his pants.

'Please go before I do something indecent, something you won't like' he said, looking to the side.

'What if I want you to do something.. indecent?' I said in a small whisper. Bakugou's head whipped up and looked at me with a bewildered look.

'Then I will?' he sounded more questioning the answer than complying but I soon walked over to him, kissing him roughly. Bakguou hoisted me up and soon enough we were roughly making out on his bed.

A few seconds later, he pressed light kisses down my jaw line, then down my neck. I moaned lightly, feeling his graze his lips over my sweet spot. He smirked, getting rougher with his kisses.

A hand trailed down my stomach down to my heat. He roughly fiddled with my clit and pressed two fingers gently into my core with a nod for permission. He went slowly, adding pace when I moaned out his name.

'Baku...Bakugou!' I screamed when I was reaching my climax.

I could feel his dick throbbing onto my leg and he pulled his fingers out, kissing my stomach and slipping my clothes off and then licking my clit. The pleasure was too much and soon enough I climaxed.

'Wow, you taste good' he smirked and kissed me (ew oh god) making me moan. His dick grazed my heat and he pulled a condom over it.

'Do you still want to do this?' He asked gently and I nodded, putting my arms around his neck. He entered and tears formed at the corners of my eyes. He waited until I nodded and he started slowly, getting quicker and quicker.

'Bak~!' Bakugou started rubbing my clit and I climaxed again, Bakugou cumming. We ended up sweaty and exhausted.

'Shower?' he asked and I nodded, grabbing a towel and getting in.


A/N: I hope you liked these, sorry for the long ass wait I felt like I had to get some out ;)

So a lemon?? I cringed and oh god blegh sorry I'm not good at them.

I love you all so fucking much and have a good week ;)

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