Bakugou Katsuki|

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Exchanging the 'L' word.

'I love you!' Bakugou shouted, his cheeks aflame and hands shaking.

Fear, anger and embarrassment were flowing throughout his body and as he looked at you, you with the beautiful (e/c) eyes and your beautiful smile.

You who could instantly make all those emotions come out for the best.. or for the worse.

Bakugou had taken a few steps towards you, taking your hands in his and looking directly in your eyes. This had never happen to you before so being taken aback was a natural emotion.

'W-what?' You mumbled, breathing in deeply. Trying to take in this sort of information took a toll on a persons body.

'I love your shitty hair, your shitty eyes, your shitty body and your shitty personality!' He grumbled, inching his hands to your shoulders. He gripped tightly, as if you might slip away if he wasn't. 'I hate the fact that when you smile these shitty buggy things buzz in my stomach and the fact that your voice melts my heart!'

Closer and closer his face came to yours and his words had gotten stuck in his throat- that's the affect you had in him. The affect that left him feeling hopeless and downing under the pressure.

How you and Bakugou had met was a cliche moment. You had worked behind the counter and a corner shop which coincidentally was a sweet and flower shop. Children, young men and women and especially old people came by to see you, to taste your ever so famous chocolate and sweets that melt in their mouths. The elders sat outside and sipped on their hot drinks while you watched on as the children danced and played.

Bakugou was dragged by his mum one time and since that day he'd come and buy some jalapeño flavoured chocolate, sitting on a bench outside and watched you serving the customers. Every smile you did he captured with his mind and your actions like tucking your hair behind your ear, how your eyes crinkled up when you smiled. How you tapped your fingers on the counter top when waiting for the children to run back and ask for a lollipop.

'I don't know what to sa-' you were cut off when his soft but happed lips collided against yours and a chaste kiss was shared between you two.

Bakugou went back and had a smirk on his face, watching yours turn a bright shade of red.

'So, do you what to be my girlfriend?' The blonde asked, sliding his hands up behind your neck. Looking to the side you nibbled in your lip.



Hey here's a short one shot because I thought it might be a cute idea, it's similar to some I've wrote about before so if you notice it then here you go (:

Thankyou for reading, I've gotten so many new readers and I appreciate and love you all and thankyou to all the old readers. You make my day with some of your comments.

Schools been pretty good recently and life's going okay, just gotta wait til something bad happens.

I love you all and I hope you have a good day/ weekend ❤️

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