Bakugou Katsuki|

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'Bakugou can you pretty please fuck off?' I asked the blonde boy, who might I add was currently pissing me off. Bakugou scowled, poking me again but this time more forcefully.

We'd been friends ever since the start of U.A and right now we were supposed to be studying but because he was and I quote, 'Smarter and Better' than everyone in the whole year- what he said not me, he decided to annoy me instead.

Grabbing his pointer finger, I twisted it which made him yelp, causing me to laugh. Unfortunately, Bakugou had the upper hand here because he was in no doubt stronger than me which ended in me having a bruise on my arm. 

'Bakugou you're a fucking asshole d'ya know that?' I grumbled, cradling my arm in my hand. He sat there with a triumphant smirk and not a slither of guilt. Well not yet.

Dramatically, I let out a small scream, making Bakugou jump. I then proceeded to fake cry, hoping that Bakugou would break, which did happen. 'What the fuck are you crying?' He asked, taking my chin in his hands and pointing my face in his direction. His eyes changed into pride to guilt.


Wiping the few tears that rolled down my cheek with my sleeve, I started laughing silently while watching Bakugou get angry all over again. 

'Whatever I'm leaving, fuck you' Bakugou spat, slinging his bag over his shoulder, I waved at him letting him walk off. At least then I'd be able to get back to my studying.

A few days later I was joking around with Kirishima when Kaminari asked to see me outside.

'Hey, beautiful' Kaminari said seductively, making me laugh. He pouted, taking my hands in his. 'Why don't me and you go get some ice cream on Sun-' He was cut off when he looked behind me.

'N-nevermind dont listen to me-' he then proceeded to run into the distance leaving me confused. Shrugging it off, I looked behind me to see the source of why Kaminari never asked me the question to see my ever so loving friend Bakugou.

Giving the blonde a sharp look I took a deep breath, 'Why the fuck did you scare Kaminari off?' I asked nibbling the inside of my cheek. Bakugous cheeks turned a light pink making the whole situation take a shift. 'You were going to reject him anyways I just thought I'd help him' Bakugou muttered, his shitty smirk appearing on his face. 

Scowling, I punched his shoulder feeling a shot of anger. 'How the fuck do you know that?' I sneered, going closer. Bakugou stumbled back, a stunned look his face. 'W-well I don't know I just assum-' I got closer and closer to Bakugou and eventually he was backed against an old mirror. 

'Don't just assume things that aren't real!' I shouted and suddenly I heard a cracking sound and the sight of blood made me panic. Bakugous hands that had been pressed against the mirror and had obviously smashed because of how much pressure he applied to it.

Grabbing his arm, I marched towards the medical office and sat him down while getting some disinfectant and bandages. 

'(y/n) I'm so-' 

'Don't even finish that sentence, you shouldn't be sorry' I said sternly, taking his hand and dipping a cotton ball into the disinfectant. A few minutes later I had finished and Bakugou looked like he was going to become a boxer.

I was about to get up when Bakugou pulled me onto his lap and looked deeply into my eyes.

'I stopped Denki because I didnt want you to go out with him' Bakugou mumbled, the light blush coming back onto his cheeks. My heart fluttered and I put my hands on his cheeks.

'Aww was someone jealous?' I mocked, sqeezing his cheeks. Bakugou growled, his eyes flickering down to my lips. I decided to take the inituative by slamming my lips onto his slightly chapped ones.

After a few seconds we parted, both adorning lovely tomato faces. 

'Will you be my boyfriend, Katsuki?' I whispered into his ear, which was also going bright red. Bakugou nodded, slipping his hands behind my neck to prop my head up and give me a passionate kiss on the lips.

'Of course you dumbass'


Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading this it took me half an hour so sorry if it seems a bit rushed its that I haven't updated recently so I thought i might.

This term (we have 6 terms in a  school year) has been utter crap but we have two weeks off on Thursday so that's currently what I'm living for.

I love you all and hope you have a good spring break! <3

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