Shoto Todoroki|

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A/n: This is a request from @bessttie (thank you)

Little dates and breaking through|

Sitting in class, I looked curiously over to the table beside me where Todoroki sat with a calm expression gracing his face. I blushed a little, he looked so cool and made my heart flutter every time we made eye contact, skin contact (usually just a brush of the hands but it was still skin contact) and in return he gave me a small smile and waved his hands as if telling me to forget the whole situation.

A snap of fingers brought me back to the present, Ochaco standing in front of me with her usual giant grin. I beamed back at her, instantly covering my hand over my face and diverting my gaze towards Bakugou who was making a commotion with another blonde kid.

'- MY HAIR DOES NOT LOOK STUPID'!' He growled and I let out a slight laugh, Bakugou's head snapped my way and he quickly made his way towards me. Cowering in my seat, my back pressed against the hard, cold wood and I wanted more than anything to dissolve into a puddle, flowing into the creak of the floor and stay underground where no-one could find me.

'Did you just laugh?' Bakugou sneered, I flushed deeply and widened my eyes in shock. Loads of people were watching and the boy who had been making fun of Bakugou stood there with his mouth open. A flash of red and white stood in front, almost like he was defending me.

'Yes she laughed, is that a crime?' Todoroki replied for me a few silent seconds later, making me flush deeper and a burning sensation seared its way across my body. Confrontation was not my thing, especially with a hot-headed fireball and it was shattered because I was stupid to let out a laugh.

Bakugou's face contorted into a threatening smile and I shuffled in my spot. His eyes looked at me for a few seconds, a dangerous glint and the same boy who was poking fun at his hair had come out of his trance and started a commotion again, diverting everybody's- including Bakugou's (especially) attention.

The blonde let out another growl, he looked at me and said in a whisper, 'Well, bitch' he barked, sounding more of a dog than she did, 'Better thank your little boyfriend for playing Prince and saving your ass-' and before he finished his sentence something hit the back of his head and he set off towards the person who had hit him.

'Boyfriend?' I whispered and blushed deeply, peering up at Todoroki who had the corners of his mouth raised. He caught my look and gave me a little small note which was folded messily in half. I looked at the note for a few seconds, as if a dangerous weapon or a very important jewel.

'You can open it, it's not going to come out and bite you' he muttered, scratching the back of his head. I flushed, hastily grabbing the now crumpled and slightly damp- my sweaty hands had done that piece of paper with neat handwriting reading-

'Dear (y/n),

Meet me at the café around the corner at 10 AM on Saturday'

I let out a slight squeak, not on purpose but the sound just came out from my throat expectantly. My face burned, feeling as though someone was setting me alight. My mind clouded at the thought of going out with Todoroki one-on-one as though it was some kind of date.

A date.

When two people who go out together, meaning they have feelings for each other.

My face set ablaze again, heart thumping wildly in my chest. Todoroki nodded and sat back in his seat as if he was unaffected by what he had just written in the letter. It was like I was feeling his feelings for him, a double dosage of these bumbling little butterflies wounding around me and my stomach.

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