Kyoka Jiro|

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Bundle o' nerves.

Every time I found myself nearing Jiro, my chest would explode. Like an uncontrollable cluster of popcorn that pops one by one eventually leading me to just become bright red and stutter at 100 miles per second.

Which was weird- she was my girlfriend so why did I feel this way?

Unlike her persona at school, after school was when she turned into this big fluffy teddy bear. She'd hug me and we were practically glued together was what my mum said.

'Hey (y/n) what the answer to this question?' Jiro asked, pen in her mouth and looking at me intently. I disregarded what she said because man was she close. She was basically laying on me!

'O-oh u-u-uhm I- could you repeat that?' I asked, my eyes trailing down to her lips. It wasn't my fault that I was a teenage girl going through hormones. My attention was the brought upon the hand that was taking out the pen, eventually tangling itself in my hair.

'If you wanted to kiss me you could've just asked' Jiro said breathily, her eyes closing as she placed a short simple kiss on my lips. I leant in further- this was a first and it's not like I wanted it to end.

Jiro went back, her hand still enlaced with some strands of my hair. I let out a deep breath and flung my hands to my face in embarrassment. Jiro giggled, taking my hands and slipping her thin fingers into mine.

'But no- what actually is the answer?'


Hey here's a very short one-shot because this week has been really shit- like extremely shit and I don't know just here it is sorry if it's not the best.

I got a new laptop due to my old one breaking and its pretty gnarly.

Besides, thankyou for reading I love you all so much.

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