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Loads of people are reading my one-shots and I'm like o-o bc GOSH I'M CRINGE.


the underworld.

Sitting in class, I scribbled down the equation that was on the board. A sigh escaped my lips and I tuned out Mr Aizawa, knowing that I was probably going to get told off for it anyways. Life was so- dull. Every day waking up and doing the same thing, living life as if it was on a loop. Sighing deeply, I heard a deep cough and was then engaged in a stare down with the black haired teacher.

'Why are you so spaced out (l/n)?' Aizawa asked, that same bored look on his face. Wracking my brain for an answer, I simply just shrugged my shoulders and went back to looking him in the eye. His gaze directed to Mina, who was messing around with Kaminari and he gave me a look, going to sort out those two.


Going home was the same. I had to walk because mum thought it was best I'd stay fit and healthy, sitting at home and watching anime wasn't 'good for the soul' she'd say with a cheery voice. Yet she'd still buy me junk food which wasn't good if you didn't exercise. Opening the door and slinging my bag on the back of a tattered chair I collapsed on the couch and sighed for what felt like the fifty-thousandth time. Scrolling through Instagram and sending the girls some snapchats wasn't very amusing so I turned to the T.V.

'Weird black mist spotted near U.A. Investigations going on.' said a female news reporter. I bit my lip and switched the channel onto (favourite channel) watching the last ten minutes on an episode I'd repeatedly watched before.

'-she's here' whispered a deep voice. I whipped my head up to see who was there. Grabbing the T.V remote I stood up and saw a dark figure hovering in the air. Throwing the remote, black smoke enveloped it and broke it into pieces. 'Well princess, sorry for that but we can't have you hurting me' said the deep voice and the person walked towards me patches of wrinkled purple skin attached to his body. My heart hammered in my body, blood pumping quickly. A large portal came out of nowhere and he grabbed me, pulling me into it.


'-I wonder when she'll awaken sir. She really is lovely' squeaked a voice and I rose, clutching my head. Must've passed out.

'She's got a name' I said, earning a chuckle. Scowling I looked at the little pipsqueak who was calling me 'she' and gave it a pointed look. When I looked around the room I saw the man who decided he would kidnap me and got up to walk. 'Why the hell did you bring me here kidnapper?' I shouted, facing the tall man. Another chuckle was heard and he walked over.

'My name is Dabi, not kidnapper ugly' he said huskily, grabbing my chin in his hand. I struggled, keeping a brave face on. Even though I said I wanted a more interesting life I wasn't expecting this to be fair. 'You're my new servant-' Choking, I looked at him with a look of disgust. 'Servant my ass' I spat and stormed on heel. The 'Dabi' guy clicked his tongue and grabbed the back of my t-shirt.

'You're my servant or I'll never let you return to the real world again' He whispered into my ear and I gulped, sweat trickling down my forehead. Sighing, I nodded and listened to Dabi. 'You're to be my servant and the cats over there will teach you'

After hours of information, I was lead to a bedroom which was filled with other ladies. Dabi seemed like a real jerk and it pissed me off with his high and mighty act. Honestly, even Bakugou had better manners than this dude.

Laying on the neat bed I was given, I closed my eyes and thought about everything. How I got here, how Dabi was a nightmare and more importantly how I wished I'd go back to my boring life. After a while, the lights switched off and I fell asleep.

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