Tenya Iida|

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A/N: Hi guys this isn't a lemon one (like the one with Bakugou) Thank you for 3k and I'm halfway to having 4k! I thank everyone and feel free to message me or suggest some characters and scenarios that I can write. Again thank you for enjoying these one shots it means a lot to me :) Hope you enjoy this fluff.

Your P.O.V

sick days.

I heard the ring of the alarm, a groan coming from mine and the large man beside me. Shuffling around, Iida's large face came into view making me blush. Even though I'd waken up to the sight a billion times it still made my heart flutter and make me feel the love I'd felt at the start.

Iida pulled his arm out of the covers and caressed my face, making me go an even darker shade of red. He chuckled.

'Your still as cute as you were when I first met you, love,' he said groggily, pulling me closer into a hug, 'Good morning honey' he pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I let out a squeak in reaction. I was extremely shy and even though I'd warmed up to Iida he still made me feel like a nervous breakdown was going to happen.

'Morning' I hummed, feeling a little sick. Iida frowned and put his hand to his forehead then putting it on mine.

'Hey sweetie' Iida said sternly, making me jump out of bed, 'You feel extremely hot are you okay?' he questioned and leaned on the headboard.
I pulled out my clothes and went into the bathroom, leaving the door open so I could still speak to him.

'Yeah I'm fine' I replied and put toothpaste on my toothbrush, popping it into my mouth 'Prbly jus shum cld cming' I muffled and spat out the toothpaste proceeding to get dressed for work. As I was washing my face, two warm hands wrapped around my waist and head in the crook of my shoulder.

'Hey buttercup' he started, putting a piece of my hair that had fallen behind my ear, making me flush 'I don't think you should go to work why don't you stay at home and I call work saying you're sick and I am too?' he muttered into my ear, butterflies crowding my stomach.

'No that's okay' I said softly, prying away Iida's hands and grabbing my (f/c) bag 'Thankyou though babe see you later' and with that I left our apartment, ignoring the piercing pain erupting in my head.


I walked into work, smiling at my co-workers and sitting down at my desk staring at the large amount of paperwork I had.

'Hey Ocha?' I shouted to my friend, wincing at the slight unpleasant feeling it caused me 'Do you think you could get me (your favourite drink)? Here's some money, get something for yourself as well!' I said and smiled at my friend who insisted she was fine but failed to fight with me. Ochaco was an extremely nice girl who was best friends with and sometimes ran errands for me when she was in the office instead of fighting.

I flicked through the stack of paper, seeing different villains reports, children in U.A and their quirks smiling at the memories I had there. I met the man I loved and cherished there and with that, I sectioned them in 'urgent' 'can be done later' and 'not so important'.

'Hey (y/n)! Here's the (your favourite drink) you wanted and I bought us some pizza!' Ochaco chirped and I laughed and took a couple of slices and placed them on a plate.

'By the way, I paid for the pizza- you owe me (l/n)' Ochaco said and smirked, I put on a fake pout and said sarcastically 'Sure thank you Ochaco what would I do without you and pizza at 9 AM?'

Bakugou came in and looked at the pizza, grimacing.

'Hey babe why the fuck are you eating pizza? he asked Ochaco and leaned on the back of her. I looked at the two and smiled, how on earth they ended up together was a mystery. An even bigger mystery was the shenanigan with Midoriya and Todoroki, but Ochaco and I couldn't argue with it since we shipped them hard. Of course, she was a little upset about Midoriya but explosoballs cleared that up quickly.

'We're eating pizza?' I said in a mock questioning voice earning a glare from Bakugou. I smiled back at him, trying to dodge a bullet asking 'When are you two lovebirds going to get married?' gaining two blushes.

'We've scheduled it for next month on the 24th of July' Ochaco perked, still bright red. I nodded and started doing my work. A few minutes into it I felt a searing pain in my stomach and let out a little gasp, earning a look from Ochaco.

'Oh my god your so pale (y/n)!' she screeched and cape to my side. The room started spinning and I put all my weight on Ochaco, black clouding my vision.


I woke up to my bedroom ceiling and the scent of chicken (or whatever you prefer) soup. Getting up, I looked at the mirror and saw I cold compress glued onto my head so I ripped that off, looking at how shocking my face and hair was. I let out a slight laugh, doing different faces and felt slightly nauseous. Prodding out of the bedroom I saw Iida at the stove wearing his 'Best dog dad' stirring what i presumed was the soup.

Iida saw me and his eyebrows furrowed, turning off the stove and pouring the thick substance into a bowl with steaming hot rice. He twirled around on his heel and looked at me dead in the eye which made me step back a little.

'What are you doing out of bed little miss?' he said strictly and marched up to me, 'You pass out at work' he growls which makes me a little scared 'I got a call saying that I should come home quickly because you the idiot decided that it would to-' he stops, seeing my face. Tears slide down my cheeks and I hurriedly wiped them away with the back of my jumper.

'Honey-' he started and I cut in by choking out 'I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble Iida! You should've just stayed at work and let Ochaco take me!'

Iida crowded me in a hug, playing with my hair which he knows calms me down. He plants a kiss on my head and knelt down to come face to face with me.

'Love I'm not angry at you its just you scared me! Getting that call- which I knew was going to happen, made me realise about how bad of a boyfriend I was that I didn't let the person I love go stay at home because she was sick' he whispered, his hot breath blowing at my face. I muttered a 'sorry' before hugging him. Iida hugged me back and picked me up gently, bringing me to our bed.

'Wait here,' he said and wet the towel lying on my bedside table, rinsing it out before laying it on my forehead and tucking me in. 'I'm going to go and get the soup, don't get out again alright hun?' I sunk into bed watching Iida's back go out of the bedroom, sending a glance my way. I saluted which made him laugh, causing me to laugh and then start spluttering over the bed.

Iida came back with the soup and pushed a chair next to me, sitting on it and scooping the soup with a spoon.

'Here you go, it cooled down when we had that sight disagreement,' he shot a look at me while I looked back guiltily. 'Open up' he said and I ate the soup, humming in agreement. This carried on until I'd finished the bowl and was given a few tablets to keep down the fever. Iida washed up the bowl and lay down next to me.

'I love you so much you big bear' I said, pulling my hand out of the warm sheets and onto Iida's who had a light pink dusting his cheeks. He growled, making me laugh followed by coughs to which Iida picked me up into a sitting position and tapped my back gently.

'I love you too sweetheart, It's 10 now so why don't you try to sleep?' he asked and placed a kiss on my lips. I gasped covering my lips and moaned 'You can't do that! You'll catch a cold' he smirked and replied 'I'd like to, so you could look after me sugar plum' which made me flush.

Iida got off the bed and got undressed to which I covered my eyes at. The bed dipped signalling he had returned and he draped his arm over me.

'I love you Hunny bun' he teased and I looked at him, kissing his nose. 'I love you too'

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. Days like these were the best.


A/N: So I just wrote 1500+ for this which I think is my longest one shot? Thank you so much for reading and the next one should be coming soon.

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