Bakugou Katuski|

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A/N: So this was an idea @besstie suggested so ;) Hope you enjoy.

porn shenanigans.

'Here's a book, read it when you get home (y/n)-san' Mineta creepily said with a blood stain clear on the back of his hand. I could practically see the steam burst out of his ears and I just smiled at him, thanking him for the book.

Shoving the book into my bag, I made my way back home. Honestly, the little grape head was a little shit but I suppose that he could be funny sometimes. Children ran past, squealing and I laughed thinking about me and Bakugou when we were younger, enjoying our youth until age caught us up and ruined it all.

I made my way into the flat Bakugou and I shared and sat down on the couch taking of my uncomfortable bra that dug into my boobs like it was their job. Changing into more comfortable clothes, my mind wandered to the book that was currently sprawled out on my table. I put on one of Bakugou's jumpers which were way too big for me and picked up the book, jumping back onto the couch.

I tore open the pitch black page and came to what I supposed was the actual cover which read


I blushed darkly, shutting the book instantly. 'Of course, it was porn' I mentally cursed myself but was curious to what it looked like. Despite what he was like, Bakugou got extremely flustered when it came to 'sex' so I didn't bother because I wasn't either.

I marched through though and looked at the explicit scenes that stretched out along the page and went red every time I flipped a page. Not even hearing the door click or the presence behind me, I came back to reality when Bakugou growled behind me.

'So you like that kind of stuff d'you?' he grumbled with a sad tone laced in his voice. I jumped in shock and shook my head quickly, along with my hands. 'O-of course, not Kacchan its just-' 'So you want to have sex is that it?' Katsuki interrupted and I chuckled lightly seeing him pout. Making my way over to him, I snaked my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear,

'I wouldn't want to do anything you wouldn't want to do'

And saw how his ears went a bright tint of red. He covered his mouth and mumbled 'goddamnit woman what are you doing to me' and placed his hands on my waist. 'I might not be able to do.. i-it but can I kiss you?' Katsuki whispered back and I nodded, closing the distance between us. It was slow and passionate, his hands hoisting me so he was carrying me and we landed with a soft 'thud' on the couch. We both softly fought for dominance, me winning with a triumphant smirk.

Bakugou's hands roamed around my hips, tracing my curves to the end. He delicately touched my stomach and drew patterns along my back. I crawled onto his lap and hugged him.

'(y/n) I love you' Bakugou started and spread his arms out 'thiiiiiiiis much and even more' he finished cheesily and I giggled, pulling his hand down and kissing it. 'Me too Kacchan' I replied and pecked him on the lips.

A/N: So this wasn't a real steamy one just a lovey-dovey kiss I'm sorry but I don't do well with things like this sooo....

I love you all lots and hope life's treating you well. Always free to mingle ;)

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