Shinso Hitoshi|

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'Hey (y/n) want to come round my house for a sleepover?' Shinsou asked you, flashing a smile your way.

'Sure!' you answered and went to your next class.

After school –

You hobbled out of school, seeing Shinsou at the entrance.

'Hey Shinsou!' you chirped, wincing a little at the pressure you put on your foot.

'What happened?' Shinsou questioned, glancing at your bandaged ankle.

'Oh, nothing, just a slight sprain but it's alright' you said, beaming at Shinsou reassuring him.

You carried on walking, sparks of pain hitting your ankle and was immediately lifted off of your feet. Gasping, two strong hands were grasped onto your sides and a blushing Shinsou was near your face.


'Shut up, just let me do this you idiot' he shouted, going an even darker red. You went a light pink when you realised you were in a princess hold.

'U-uhhn Shinsou you could've just pulled my arm around your shoulder' you stuttered, looking away.

Shinsou smirked, he loved seeing you like this.

~At Shinsou's house~

You sat down at the coffee table, watching (favourite show) while Shinsou was in the shower. Suddenly you felt a drop of water hit the top of your head, a few more trailing down your neck and the sweet smell of vanilla. You looked up at Shinsou who was smiling, his bare chest showing. Blushing, you stood up and went on your tippy toes, raking your hands through Shinsou hairs to make it slick back.

You giggled, styling it to look like 'best jeanist' and rolled around laughing on the floor. Shinsou put on a fake pout, messing his hair up again which made you pout. He trailed off into his room and came back in again fully clothed with a bunch of food and snacks which made your face light up. He settled all of it down, grabbing a bunch of blankets and pillows. He plopped down next to you but didn't stay like that for that long because you propped yourself next to him and snaked your arm around his torso.

'Thanks for carrying me Shinsou!' you said, smiling at him.

'U-u-uh it's okay?' he muttered and gave you a nervous smile.

You watched the movie, Shinsou had relaxed and began enjoying your company. At some point in the movie, your eyelids became heavy and you drooped off to sleep.

'(y/n)?' Shinsou whispered but you didn't answer.

He leaned down and looked at your face, you looked breathtaking. And vulnerable. He leant in and pecked your lips, shifting into a comfortable position.

'I like you' he breathed out.

Your quirk activated itself, a bunch of roses springing out of your body.

'I like you too' you said, smirking and crashed your lips onto his.

A/N: Heres a short one-shot! Thank you for bloody 2K reads!!! I know this one is shit but its the best I could make up ;)

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