Neito Monoma|

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rough love|

Love is hard.

Love is rough.

Love is one of the most complicated shittiest feeling one could ever feel in my opinion.


I wasn't a supporter of that feeling that everyone at school was going on about, asking each other if they had a crush or asking the famous couple if they 'loved' each other.

'Hey (y/n) do you have a crush?~' Itsuka chirped beside me. She'd asked that question about over a thousand times. I sighed, raking my hand through my hair and looking at the girl. 'No, I don't. For like the thirty thousandth time I don't have a crush!' I said loudly and earned some looks, one Monoma.

'Awww does little (y/n) not have a crush?' Neito said in a baby voice and my face heated up. I scowled at him to which I earned one back, he looked like an ugly ass baby. 'Your quirks activated (y/n)' Itsuka said in a hushed voice and I could see flowers sprouting from my skin. Scraping my chair against the floor, I left quickly and hurried towards the girl's toilets.

'(y/n)' said a monotone voice and I spun around, seeing Todoroki. We were friends, childhood friends but because of school, we were parted. I could feel my face heat up again because I remembered my childhood crush on him. 'What is it Todoroki-kun?' I asked nervously and he handed me a slip which was quickly taken out of my hand.

'Is that a confession from a 1-A student I hear?' Someone spat venomously. I looked towards my left and saw a furious Monoma looking intensely angered at Todoroki. 'U-uh Monoma calm the heck down' I said and took the paper back with struggle. Todoroki looked at me with confusion and I just waved my hand at him and saying I would tell him later.

'You will not be saying anything to him!' Monoma took my arm, grasping it tightly. I looked at him curiously and flicked his nose. 'Take that serious look off of your face, you look better when you're smiling!' I perked and Monoma shook his head and his expression softened. He let go of my arm and we went back to the classroom without conversation.


I pulled out the slip that Todoroki-kun gave me and it was some information on some side effects of my quirk which had been circled with a pen with a question mark. The side effects were serious for my quirk, usually ending up in me throwing up flowers if my crush didn't reproach my feelings- Hanahaki disease. The problem was I was one out of a few hundred people who suffered.

That was the reason I didn't want to fall in love. Imagine all the weird looks of a girl who had a bunch of flowers tumbling out of her mouth.

Another bad thing was when I was angry. My internal organs were made out of vines but when I was angered they'd dig into my skin and pierce it. Being calm was a trait my mother had, which gladly passed down to me. One time, someone was bullying someone weaker than them and I ended up becoming angry. Laying in that bed and writhing in pain was some of the worst days of my life.

Walking home was as boring as usual, I saw Tib the cat but that was just about it so I decided to go to the park.

I made my way towards the bench which had a floral pattern on it. Using my hand, I created a single rose which was white and had specks of red on it and walked to the great big stone next to it.

'Hey Mum!' I said and placed the rose on top of the dirt. 'I hope that heaven's treating you well. Erm... School's been good and-' 'Why are you talking to the ground for?' asked a concerned voice behind me. I flushed and looked upon the intruder. Monoma stood there with his hair dishevelled and a smirk.

'Why hello there Monoma, what a lovely day to see you' I said sarcastically and brushed some dirt off of my ass. Placing the rose down, I became level with Monoma- nearly. 'So what were you doing talking to the ground then?' He asked impatiently and I felt a scrape against the inside of my stomach.

'I was talking to my mother, she died a few years ago and now lives here. She supplies all of these vibrant flowers and I help her I guess' I spoke with a hint of anger. Releasing all of that to prove a point was challenging. 'O-oh well I'm sorry to hear that' Monoma said. I felt my cheeks become wet and muttered a 'goodbye' and ran back home.

When I got to the door, I was pulled by my wrist and faced to that stupid blonde again. Seeing him made my stomach feel like someone had kicked it.

'Go away!' I sobbed, taking in a deep breath. 'you don't know what it feels like when the person you love gets ripped from you and the scars it freaking leaves! No one does!' I shouted selfishly. I'd heard the same thing before but no-one understands. They never do.

(first off was contemplating whether to write that. I've never suffered from someone so close dying except my grandad so I don't truly know what it means. If you want to talk to me about it please do :) )

'(y/n) don't say such stupid things! Do you even know what you just said?!' Monoma shouted. I was shocked to hear him shout and felt the tears come down like a waterfall. 'I'm sorry!' I cried and collapsed onto the floor, the guilt and sadness were too hard to take.

'I'm gonna pick you up okay?' Monoma whispered in my ear and he put his arm around my back and in the crook of my legs. He pulled out my keys from my pocket and opened the door. 'That's the first step.. next is getting you cleaned up.' Monoma said hesitantly.

He walked us through the hall and into the living room, popping me on the couch. Beside me, he squatted to my height and pried my hands away from my eyes. He pulled down his sleeves and dabbed (lolol) the tears away. 'I'm sorry' I said, ashamed. Monoma chuckled and went to the bathroom to get a cold flannel.

'Can I?' He asked and I nodded yes, the cold made me shiver a bit. Monoma was doing it gently and I hadn't even realised he had gotten close to me. 'You're really close' I said quickly and Monoma did that same stupid smirk again.

He leaned in closer and blew on my face. I yelped, not expecting it. 'Hey you know, you're actually quite pretty up close?' he muttered and I flushed a dark red. 'Aww is someone blushing well-' he then held my face and with his thumbs rubbed my cheeks all the while I was growing darker by second. His right thumb made its way up to my bottom lip where he let it drag for a few seconds.

'Do you mind?' he whispered and my mind frazzled. I decided if I actually liked Monoma and nodded. Monoma leaned in and our lips sealed and for a few seconds, I felt warmth spread through my chest. He pulled away. 'That was amazing' I breathed. 'Thanks princess' he said and I could've died.

A/N: Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it ;) I get so many reads in a day now it baffles me. If I'm just endlessly shooting out one-shots I'm sorry I just freaking love writing them so I hope you liked this one ;)

sO I WATCHED MY PARENTS FIGHT JUST LIKE KILL ME <3 I LOVE THEM. And Ocha was so freaking cute ngl.

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