Shoto Todoroki|

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A/N: Hi so its just me, I might do a lil rant at the end?? I dont know but I hope you like this chapter. 

ice cold.

Talking to Todoroki was like talking to a wall. He was so... untalkative. Right now we were walking home and I was just looking at him, god he was beautiful. Anyways, we'd been dating for a short amount of time perhaps a month? My mind was just scrambled.

'Hey Todo-kun?' I asked, fiddling with my hands. He looked down at me and hummed, which I think meant he was listening. 'Well.. I was just wondering when we were going to y'know..' I trailed on embarrassed. 'Do what (y/n)?' he asked with that same blank look on his face.

'Like be a couple!' I shouted and a few birds flew away. Thank god it was late and people weren't near us that would be so embarrassing. 'I'm sorry but I don't really know what you mean?' he said in a monotone voice as if he didn't really care we were having this conversation anyways. Shaking my head lightly, I just said a small 'whatever' and went my route without a goodbye from the dual-haired boy.


'Sooooo (y/n)~' Mina purred and I sighed, knowing she was going to ask me some random question. 'Have you and Todoroki..' she started and leaned in, 'kissed yet?' I blushed furiously, mouth wide open. We gained looks from around the classroom and Ochaco sauntered up to us with her usual big smile and bounce whenever she walked.

'Hey guys, watcha up to?' Ochaco chirped and I groaned. This was extremely embarrassing. 'Did you know that our dear old (y/n)' Mina said loudly, pointing at me, 'Has never kissed anyone!' Mina said even louder and I crashed my head into my hands and died on the spot. I stood up and  went out the classroom, giving up on any hopes of finding something to hide my embarrassment. I know Mina was going to apologise later and I loved her for that.

'Hey, you've never kissed anyone?' Todoroki asked and I squealed. He scared me. 'No I haven't..' I replied and hid my face. The bell went off and I made my way to class, being stopped by a cold hand on my wrist. I was then pulled into another classroom. 'Hey!' I whispered harshly and I saw Todoroki's bored face once again.

Todoroki leaned closer and looked me in the eyes. He had this weird... glint that looked slightly mischievous. I decided to take a step back and gulped, Todoroki was coming closer. 'Why do you keep on backing up for?' A slight hint in his voice made goosebumps travel all the way up my arms and down my back. 'No reason just- oof' Slamming my back into the wall I was cornered with the male's arm's surrounding my head.

'So' Todoroki whispered, I smelt whatever he had ate earlier. I looked the other way, nervous of what he was going to say. 'You've never kissed anyone before huh?' I pressed my palms against the wall as if I wanted to go into it. Sweat trickled down my neck and my hands slick and clammy. I felt his cold hands slide on my neck and his breath even closer.

'Tell me if you want this or not' a slight edge to his voice, as if he cared about kissing me or not. I pushed down my nerves and nodded, feeling warm lips connected with mine. His hands travelled down to my waist, I could feel them shake. Parting, a strand of saliva connected us and I blushed, realising what we just did.

'We... just kissed' Todoroki looked stunned. I did a double take and saw that ice was radiating off of his skin and then fire covered his cheeks and over the ridge of his nose. 'Todorkoki are you.. embarrassed?' Chuckling, he sent me a pointed look and I didn't stop. Walking up to him, I hugged him, arms around his torso.

'I cannot believe you got embarrassed!' I carried on laughing.

(ex) 'I'm really glad we've sorted this one out but can you stop making out in my office?' Aizawa grumbled, clad in yellow.

'AWWW IT'S CANNON!' shouted another voice and Mina came running in, hugging the life of me.


I was looking at my phone, ignoring the looks of Todoroki. He had been sending me this look all day, especially when I talked to Iida and he was starting to get on my nerves.

'(y/n)' Todoroki demanded and I looked up, raising my eyebrows. Looking back down at my phone again, I liked the picture of Ochaco and Izuku. Two arms slipped around my shoulders and Todoroki lightly bumped heads with me. 'What is it?' I asked, still looking at my phone. The picture Iida took of me, smiling with him at lunch with the caption 'THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT FRIEND' in capital letters because Iida didn't know how to type properly.

Todoroki grunted into my hair and I sighed, trying to slip out of his grip. He tightened his arms around me but gave me space to turn round so I could see him.

'Shouto Todoroki what the hell is the matter with you today' I said loudly and my voice echoed around the room. He looked surprised for a second but the scowl returned on his face. 'You spent so much time with Iida today' he grumbled and I pressed a kiss on his lips, hands gripping his sides.

'Yes well, I was thinking of you the whole time' I whispered and we kissed again, this time more passionately.


'I love you (y/n)' Todoroki breathed into my ear when we were lying down watching a movie one night. 'That was a bit abrupt' I stammered, blushing my ears feeling hot. His arms wound around my stomach and he placed a kiss on the small of my neck. 'Anything for you my love' he seriously said and I spluttered.

'W-well Todoroki, I LOVE YOU TOO' I shouted the end bit out of being nervous. He chuckled and nuzzled his hair onto my neck, tickling me.


(A/N) Heres some small one-shots which I hope you like!
ik they're crap but I'm just troubled.


honestly wish me luck.

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