Shota Aizawa|

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dancing in the rain|

I got up and put on a casual outfit, heading out the door to see Aizawa standing in front of me.

'We're going out' he said simply, shuffling on the spot. I smiled at him, beginning to protest but was cut off by being forcefully pulled by him.

'Hey, Aizawa where are we going?' I asked, catching up to the black haired man's pace and we both slowed down as the air got knocked out of us. More me than him.

'It's a secret' he smirked and I caught the wooden picnic basket by his side which was rocking back and forth as he walked. I pretended not to notice and looked elsewhere, enjoying the cold breeze washing over us.

We arrived at a nice park where cherry blossom petals were covering the bright green grass and I beamed at Aizawa earning a chuckle.

'It's beautiful' I whispered, picking up cherry blossoms and sprinkling them over Aizawa to which he lightly hit me back.

'Excuse you' he said and I laughed settling down on the grass. Sandwiches, cakes and other snacks were all piled out in front of us. We ate with small conversation and I enjoyed the company.

The clouds started to darken, causing my face to light up. Aizawa frowned and spits of rain dropped. I ran out from underneath the shelter and started prancing around, twirling and felt arms snake around my waist. Hot air fanned my face and I looked up at Aizawa.

'May I have this dance?' He joked and we danced in the rain.

A few minutes later, we were soaked through and Aizawa cupped my face.

'I love you from the bottom of my heart (y/n)' Aizawa whispered and leant in for a kiss. The kiss warmed me up inside and out and it ended.

'I love you too Shota' I replied and chuckled, seeing the faint blush on Aizawa's cheeks.

'Come on let's go home' I dragged Aizawa, bringing the picnic basket with us and entered my apartment feeling drained.

Aizawa popped into the shower and I got in after, taking my clothes off beforehand. He wolf-whistled and I smacked him lightly, shrugging it off.


'Baaaaaaaaabe come into bed I'm cold!' Aizawa whined, making me laugh. I was doing important work that was to be handed in the next day and was about to be finished.

'Wait five minutes honey!' I called back earning a moan in return.

I finished typing and turned my laptop off, turning the lights off and locking the door. I walked into my bedroom, seeing Aizawa looking up at me with a pout.

'You took your time' he grunted, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

'Don't look at me like that Mr.stroppy' I chuckled, clambering into bed. Aizawa glared at me again and turned around on his side. A tantrum.

'Honey' I said softly, tugging at his arm. No response. I tried to do it harder but to no avail, it didn't do anything. Plan B.

I pinned him onto the bed, looking directly into his eyes. He tried looking away but I gripped his chin in my hand.

'I love you' I whispered in his ear and he teddy bear hugged me, making me laugh. He tickled my sides, which started to burn and made me laugh even harder.

'I love you too' he whispered back and I fell asleep in his arms.

A/N: Major fluff but it's short. I'm sorry I haven't been writing much but I've got ideas.

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