Eijirou Kirishima|

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Men aren't supposed to cry. 

'Hello?' I whispered, looking at the figure in the corner. I went down stairs in the dorm room to get a drink from the kitchen, then deciding it would be better to read something if I couldn't sleep. Conveniently there was a book shelf in the main room.

The mysterious silhouette coughed and whipped round. 'O-oh u-uh hey (y/n)' a deep voice croaked, arms rubbing at his eyes.

Some light pooled into the room and I saw kirishima, his eyes red and puffy his hair floppy and not spiky like it usually was.


'T-that's my name.' he replied, looking down at his hands. I took baby steps towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

'What's up?' I asked, smiling at him. He still looked at his hands and they were going red?

'Hey, hey-' I gently tore his hands apart, holding them in my own. Taking his view off of his hands, Kirishima looked at me with fresh tears appearing in his eyes. 'Come on Kiri, you can tell me anything' I mumbled, leading the red boy towards a couch.

We both sat down, I turned on the small lamp on the small table.

'Don't look at me, men aren't supposed to cry!'

My heart stopped for a second, why on earth did he think that?

'Kirishima, that is a bunch of bullshit' I said harshly, feeling a pang of guilt when he looked scared. 'Men are allowed to cry, they're allowed to feel just as much emotion as girls do.'

The grip on my hand tightened and Kirishima was crying again, making me move closer to him and hugging him closely. Seeing my best friend like this hurt like hell.

'M-my m-m-mum's I-in hospital!' Kirishima spat out, wrapping his arms around my waist. My heart fell, I loved his mum so much.

I whispered sweet nothings into his ears and he finally gained composure, looking at me after he wiped his yes and nose on his hoodie sleeve. I struggled what to say after that so I pressed a sweet kiss on his lips, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing an I just panicked.

'S-sorry Kiri, I sho-' I was cut of by his lips, this kiss was rough and passionate and I was somehow left lying on my back with Kirishima hovering above me.

'I like you' I blurted, covering my mouth. Kirishima smiled, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

'I like you too, (y/n)' kirishima whispered into my ears, pecking me on my forehead and lying down next to me.

My eyes started to droop and the warmth radiating from Kirishima made me drift off to sleep.


'Bakugou come look at this!' Kaminari whispered not to quietly. I opened my eyes to see all of 1-A smiling at me and Kirishima.

'What's up- Oh fucking finally! Does that mean the shitty hair will stop going on about her?' Bakugou shouted and I turned around, hiding into Kirishimas chest in embarrassment.

'Go away!' Kirishima moaned, pulling me in closer.

'Sorry love birds~'


A/N- something short again, the idea came to me when I remember having this argument with a boy saying that men shouldn't cry.

Btw I am totally for guys crying before I give anyone the wrong idea!

Anyways~ hello I hope you all have had a good week:) I'm currently 'sick' with a sore throat and a cold so I really want to die right now.

I have a week off so I'm free to talk to anyone and I love you guys, I hope you all enjoyed this mini one shot ;)

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