Denki Kaminari|

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A/N: So I'm slightly changing Denki's personality a little too where he's a fuqboi and he's popular. It's really cheesy and cliché I'm sorry. I think I might do a two-in-one thing where I put two small one-shots together because they're just my ideas when I'm doing nothing around the house.


'Hey beau-' I shot him a dark look and muttered, 'don't you fucking dare' His smirk faltered a bit and he shoved his hands in his pockets. God, I hope he stops this now it gets boring.

'So how about you and me go on a date this weekend?' He said smoothly and that stupid smirk appeared back. I gave him a glare and hoisted up the folders in my arms. I walked faster and that made him walk faster.

'Ah (y/n) I've been meaning to see you' said a booming voice that came from Tenya Iida, another person on the school council. I smiled at the tall figure and bowed a little. 'What is it, Iida?' I asked.

He cleared his voice and looked warily towards Deki who was giving him a dirty look. I stomped on the blonde's foot which caused him to kneel on the ground and clutch it. Iida looked relieved and started blabbering on about important stuff.

'Okay thank you I'll write a document and give it to you' I chuckled and Tenya hastily walked away. Denki had gotten up from the ground and pinned me to the wall.

'Oh aren't you a naughty-' I kicked his shin and he fell on the ground again. 'Stop it. That's disgusting go find a girl who cares' I spat and walked back to class and sat in my seat. Denki followed after a few minutes with a pack of girl.

'Hey (y/n)~' he sang and the girls looked at me with disgust. 'How can they even stand him?' I pondered on that thought until the teacher sauntered in and we sat in our seats.


'We're all going out with some boys from the class do you want to come?' I heard a girl ask Denki but he replied with a kiss on the hand and said 'Sorry babe, I've got to decline I've got other plans' the hoard of girls all whined and groaned which I thought was stupid.

Pushing out my seat, I walked over to the sliding door and pushed it open. The school council meeting wasn't on today so I was free to laze around all I wanted to. Denki's footsteps fell into step with mine.

'Hey' he said normally, without the smirk and seductive tone to it. I stopped and gave him a bewildered look and came to my senses knowing I was being rude.

'Something wrong?' I asked after a few seconds of silence. I could see him fiddling with something in his pocket acting if he was shy or something. 'Nothing at all, just- erm I was wondering if you'd want to maybe get something to eat with me?' He asked quickly and I blinked.

'Are you paying?' I asked, my voice laced with curiosity. He nodded and put his smirk on again. 'I'll go if you stop looking so smug, you'd look better smiling' I hummed and smiled at him. Pink splotches covered his cheeks and an almost inaudible sound came from his throat.

'Anything for you my dear' he said laughing and I laughed along with him. When he was like this it reminded me of when we were around 6 and playing in the fields, laughing about finding weird bugs and if we were lucky a stray cat for hours on end. That stopped when he grew up and found an interest in girls.

We walked in comfortable silence and walked into McDonald's. We sat down and ate in a small conversation when I went into my bag and held a rose out to Denki.

'Here you go- for your mum' I murmured and gave him a sympathetic look when he looked sad.

'How did you remember?' he asked and I chuckled slightly. 'I have the date on my calendar.' I finished off the last of my fries and sat in the seat next to Denki.

'I'm always here, even if girls are more important than me, your amazing friend, I'm still here' I said sarcastically and truthfully. He gave a sad smile and I pecked him on the cheek.

'Keep your chin up king your crowns falling~' I said cheesily.

'If I'm the King will you be the Queen?' He whispered to where I could only hear. I choked a bit and blushed a deep scarlet not totally understanding if he was joking or not. He looked at me and got up from his seat. He grabbed my hand and walked us out of McDonald's.

'If I stopped going out with girls- would you like me like I've liked you for these last few years?' Denki asked and I could see how sincere he was. The blush had gotten worse since the holding hand thing and my head felt light.

'U-uh are you being serious?' I needed to double-check because I knew my heart would shatter if he wasn't

'One hundred per cent sure, princess' he replied shyly and scratched his chin. I could feel my hand become slick with sweat and yet he didn't let go. He squeezed it as if I was going to slip away which I could, knowing there was a waterfall parting our hands.

'Okay then' I said coolly, despite the blush, clammy hands and sweaty hair. He pecked my nose and I swore he laughed when I said that. 'You can't act so cool when I can tell how nervous you are~' he cued and I mentally cursed myself. 'Whatever'

Jealousy over phone backgrounds|

I was lazing around on my bed when I felt it dip and saw a flash of blonde hair. 'What did I say about knocking?' I sighed and faced my boyfriend. He smirked and pinned me on the bed.

'You said I should announce I was coming into your room blah- blah- blah- who cares I'm your boyfriend!' He said exasperatedly. I laughed and crashed down onto me and hugged me. This was the usual occurrence when he decided that hugging me was his life source (said by him- not me. I'm not a cocky little shit like he is) and I pulled out my phone.

My front cover was (your favourite person that you love. Mines Tom Holland ;) love him to death) and Denki saw.

'Why are they your front cover?' Denki asked slightly annoyed. I could tell this by the way he gritted his teeth. 'Because I love them' I replied coolly and the warmth and weight were lifted from me.

'Hey come back- you were like a human heater' I whined and grabbed onto his jumper and pulled it. The fabric slipped out of my fingers and a pout covered Denki's face.

'Are you jealous?' I asked and the pout deepened. I laughed and fell onto my back. He grabbed me by feet and positioned himself between my legs, lowering his face to mine.

'Yes I am, is that a crime?' he said slowly and I felt his breath fan my face. He slipped his hands behind my neck and propped it upwards. He kissed me, deepening it and slipped his tongue in without me realising. (Ew like the thought of someone's tongue in my mouth makes me gag, probably because I haven't done it lmao) After a few seconds of that, he pulled away for a breath.

'Bet (your background person's name lol) can't kiss as well as that!' he said triumphantly and I smirked. 'They can kiss better' I whispered in his ear and pecked him on the lips.

'I swear to god when I'm done with you, you'll have to wear a scarf for months'


(A/N) Double upload today! Kinky little shit Denki is in this but I mean gotta spice it up sometimes.

I'm doing a demon one-shot soon and I can't wait to write it lmao.

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