Tenya Iida|

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On a cold winter's morning, you awoke to the sound of murmurs.

'Don't touch her!' 'I'll help you (y/n)'

Your boyfriend, Iida was fidgeting, thumping the soft mattress lightly. Instantly you began tapping him, awakening him from the dream. He gasped and hopped on his feet, wandering around the apartment.

'Iida honey are you okay?' you asked, curious about why the large boy was scurrying around.

'(Y/n)? Oh, thank god' Iida ran on top of you, both crash onto the bed. Iida gave you a passionate kiss on your soft, warm lips, his tasting of caramel. He got up, hovering above you and caressed your cheek which made you go a dark red. Suddenly a huge gust of wind came in, nipping the back of your neck. Rubbing your arms, Iida realised and shuffled into his wardrobe, getting out a large sweater.

'Here you go' he said, scratching his neck and holding out the warm piece of clothing.

Taking the sweater, you yanked it on and it felt like you were enveloped into a hug. Smiling at Iida, he grabbed a piece of hair that had slipped from you beautiful (h/c) hair and tucked it behind your ear. 'eek' was the response that stupidly came out and soon enough you were hauled over Iida's shoulder.

'Iida what are you doing?' you squeaked.

'Sorry you were just so god damn adorable' Tenya replied, a red hue on his face. He pattered past the kitchen, into the living room and placed you down on the couch. Sitting down on the couch, he placed you in between his legs and started fiddling with your hair, brushing it with his rough but gentle fingers. You relaxed, lying there in silence while the hum of the t.v played in the background.

'Iida, what happened earlier?' you questioned, running your fingers through his hair.

'You'd laugh if I told you' he murmured, pouting.

'Why would I do that for?' asking, you caressed his cheek.

'I-I had a dream that we were fighting this really big villain and you d-died' he whispered, a tear trailing down his cheek. Stumbling up and pressing your finger on the bottom of his chin, you made him look at you.

'Baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere unless you're there' you breathed, kissing him.

He put his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. He hugged you tightly, soft sobs coming from him. Your hand gripped his back, trailing your other hand up and down his back.

'You're the best (y/n)'

A/N: sorry for such a short story, people liked my last Tenya one shot and I know this one is crappy but there will be another one. Thank you for reading! 
Thank you for 300 reads :) 

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