Bakugou Katsuki|

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For a while now, Bakugou and I had been talking. 

Now, it was shocking to me when he first came up to me and started yapping on about how bad I was with a slight red tint on his cheeks but who was I to argue? After that encounter, it went on but instead the conversations were friendlier.

'So-' I said, putting a block of chocolate in my mouth, looking at Bakugou, 'Cats or dogs?' I asked.

'Cats' he almost said immediately and I smirked, chewing the chocolate. Bakugou's eyes wandered on the bar that was in my hand.

'Well thats not surprising, since you resemble one' I said and Bakugou's eyes looked at me fiercely, a growl coming from his lips.

'I do not resemble a cat!' he hissed and I laughed at the statement, which literally proved he was cat-like. 

'Okay, okay whatever you say you pussy' I chuckled and he took my chocolate bar, ramming it down his mouth without even breathing. I was impressed to say the least, but it was Bakugou Katsuki so the impression only lasted for a second.

'That was mine you idiot' I whined, punching him in the shoulder. Bakugou smirked at me and I got up, throwing my rubbish in the bin and set off down to class. The blondie followed loudly, complaint about me hitting his arm.

'Yo, Tsuyu!' I shouted and Bakugou huffed, sitting over at his desk. Tsuyu smiled, saying hi back. Soon after, I went and sat back down in my seat and Aizawa started teaching us defence mechanisms.


Everyone had left by the time I'd gotten out of class and all of the halls were bare. I had to stay back and help the teachers do some fancy report about my quirk since it was so hard for everyone to understand.

'Fucking finally!' Bakugou shouted and I looked at him, confused.

'What do you mean finally?' I asked, sprinting up to him. My breath created little clouds in the air and it amused me because it was like smoke.

'Well I waited for you for half an hour shithead, you couldn't of taken more time if you wanted too could you?' He moaned and I shook my head, hugging myself due to the breeze.

'Did I ask you to wait for me? No' I said and Bakugous irked face made me deadpan. If you're going to wait for someone, you have to tell them.

'Whatever' he grumbled and zipped open his bag, whipping out a dark blue scarf. He chucked it at me. 'Wear it' he said and I kinda just looked at it for a second.

'Nah I'm gonna shove it up my ass-' I said sarcastically and put the material around my neck, 'Why are you being so nice for?' I lifted the scarf so it was around my mouth, kind of muffling my words.

'Well I didn't really want to you to freeze your ass off' he mumbled, that same red tint on his cheeks like the first time we talked. I smiled at him, rosy cheeked and chapped lips.

'Come to my house' he said, well blurted out. I looked at him and frowned.

'Why, are you gonna kill me?' I asked, and laughed but Bakugou 'tched' and grabbed my hand. I looked at him, wide eyed but he only started speed walking, red sloth don his cheeks. Deciding not to say anything, I walked at the same pace.


'I'M HOME' was the first thing Bakugou sai- shouted when he got inside. It was warm and smelt like gingerbread cookies.

'YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY DIDNT YOU CLEA- girl?' A women shouted, but then muttered her last word. Her face contorted to a look of anger to concern and slight enjoyment.

'Hunny, shithead bought home a girl!' she said happily, I blushed and a man with glasses came into the hallway tuttering.

'Can you not swear in front of guests? Hello there I'm Mr. Bakugou' he said with a polite smile, raising his hand infant of me. I took it anxiously. Soon I was enveloped into a hug and the woman face came into view again.

'Why did you choose Bakugou?' she asked and shook her head '-why did you choose to go out with a boy like him?' she went on and on and looked over at Bakugou's dad '-can you believe our son got a girlfriend?' 

'SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG! SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!' Bakugou shouted and suddenly three cats appeared, looking concerned about all the commotion.

'So you act like a cat, and also have three of them?' I asked, adding more confusion to the whole thing. I was as red as a Christmas light and my mind was blocked with questions. Bakugou ripped me apart from his mum and took my arm, dragging me up the stairs with the cats following.

Once us and the animals were in his bedroom, he slammed the door and jumped on his bed.

'So... we're here because?' I asked and sat down at his desk, a cat pouncing on my lap. I ran my hand down its back, my fingertips rubbing behind its ears.

'I wanted to hang out with you' he said and I nodded, bewildered to the fact he wanted to hang out with me when he had the choice not to.

'Well what exactly are their names?' I asked and Bakugous head popped up, eyes glistening.

'The one you're holding there is Lord Murder-' I laughed, looking at the boy who called the most kind cat such a name. He cleared his throat, grabbing the black with a white stomach cat '-this ones explosion-' 

'Explosion, really?' I deadpanned.

'Yes, and the other one-' he pointed at the cat with snowy white fur '-is king' and I shook my head, laughing so hard my stomach ached. 'Lord Murder' pawed at me, his head tilted obviously wondering why I was laughing so damn hard.

'You're so unexpectedly cute it's amazing Bakugou' I said in between breaths and he made a weird high pitched noise.

'Y-you too (y/n)' he replied and I got up, Lord Murder jumping off of me. Walking over to Bakugou's bed, King sauntered over, his tail wagging slowly and walking like he was high and mighty.

King pounced on me, settling down into my lap, Bakugou laughed, petting the cat. 

'It's unusual for King to like someone other than me' He said and I smiled because I was accepted by a cat, a proud and holy moment was shared that day. I looked at Bakugou and swiped a cat hair off of his face making him blush.

'Todays been fun' I sighed and kissed the top of Kings head. Bakugou shoed Explosion away and King went after. 

'Hey why'd you do that for?' I asked, putting because the animal that had accepted me went away. Bakugou leaned in and pecked me on the cheeks, taking me by complete and utter surprise.

'I like you' he said quickly and I was in a daze.

'I-i like you too bakugou,' I replied, a stuttering mess. He smiled and leant back.

'But you really do have to not let your emotions choose your names for your cats.'


Tadaaa, a slightly longer piece of shit for you all to read! 

I do hope you liked it though.

peace out!! 

I love you all <3 

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