Ojiro Mashirao|

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Online friendships.

They're only good if you don't catch feelings for the other person, because if you do you're absolutely screwed. Like you're six feet under the ground.

I had been talking to Ojiro for over a year now and feelings had kindled in my heart, a feeling that no one likes. Honestly, I wish I'd never felt anything at all in my life because knowing you can't feel, touch and hug the other person sucks.

I was currently sitting in class, tapping my pencil onto the table and thinking about Ojiro, again for about the hundredth time. Itching to go on my phone and text him, to be sent something. 

Even if it was a 'hi' thats all I needed.

Don't get me wrong, its not as if I was obsessive its just that it makes me happy. No obsession.

To: (y/n)

From: Oji

Hi! I'm on the mini bus we're going to a small school and showing off our quirks! 

Imagine if it was your school huh? That would be really cool! 

Well I hope you're okay and that you'll text me soon.

I laughed into my hand, and slipped my phone back into my pocket. Maths was the death of me and if I was caught on my phone my report would be even worse than it was in the first place.

The bell rung and I made my way to the hall, all students in our year were being lectured about bullying, a serious topic but no-one ever seemed to stop it at school. Our school never did anything about it besides from giving the bully a detention.

'Hey (y/n) over here!' my friend shouted and I made my way over, occasionally bumping into the few assholes who didn't know what direction their feet were moving in.

'I hear that we're not being taught about bullying, infant some hero's are coming to our school!' my other friend gushed and I laughed, another grunted saying how it was unlikely hero's would care about us.

My quirk was too small to be considered a defence technique. I could manipulate the size of objects, but could never use them. 

'Children settle-' 'SHUT UP!' roared our headmistress and I laughed seeing her grouchy face. 

'Today we have some very important guests, 1-A students would you please join us' She said, gaining her composure. All these people sauntered into the room and I spotted a familiar tailed boy with a smile on his face.

'Oji!' I whispered harshly and got concerned looks from everyone. The room felt slightly warmer and my palms became sweaty. (If I'm in the same room as my crush my body goes on fucking lockdown. Like I sweat buckets and become really red and can't concentrate)

The first to show us their quirk was a blondie who's hair defied gravity, it just stood up. He snarled and then his hands lit up and he punched this dummy and it instantly blew up. I clapped, to show some politeness but the whole time I was just watching Ojiro.

Many people continued on, one girl could make things float with her hands which I thought was amazing, one was half hot and half cold to which me and my friend sang Katy Perry. 

Then it was Ojiro. 

He moved so swiftly, literally throwing the dummy with his tail. I clapped eagerly and our eyes locked for a moment.

'Well thats it, the 1-A students will be here for a while so you can talk to them if you please' the headmistress spoke and I jumped up, walking straight over to Ojiro.

'Hi' I squeaked and he quickly enveloped me into a hug, gripping my sides. I was dazed and all the wind got knocked out of me. (hOnEsTLy if my girlfriend were to do this I'd be on the floor cRYING) 

'Why did you never tell me you go to school like fifteen minutes away from UA?' he questioned and I kinda just carried on looking at him. I was trying to find words to say but they just didn't come out.

'W-w-well because you never asked?' I questioned back and he laughed. 

'Okay we're not leaving until later tonight so I'll wait for you after school? I've got to tell you something extremely important' he said seriously and I nodded, hugging him goodbye.


'Hey Oji' I said, walking up to him. His cheeks flushed and his hands were hidden under his large jumper.

'S-so um hey' he replied awkwardly and I chuckled, walking infant of him.

'So what did you need to tell me?' I asked and he held out a note.

'Will you go out with me?' He asked and my throat jammed up, my chest burning. My stomach exploded with butterflies and my mind was jumbled.

'Y-yes sure, okay, why not, I will' I replied in a mix up of words and he flashed me a big smile.

I opened up the slip of paper to see a drawing of a rose on it,

'It's a rose because they're beautiful, and you're beautiful to me' He whispered, and my heart stopped.



The only unrealistic thing is that it's not fifteen minutes its like thousands of miles and pounds to see the person you want to hold- I just wanted this to be cUTE.

my birthdays next week (24th) and I'm turning 14-

Workget a part time job – only two hours on each school day or Sunday and not before 7am or after 7pmget a job during your holidays – only five hours a day and no more than 25 hours in a weekWeaponshave an air weapon, but you can only use it at a rifle gallery or shooting range and must be supervised by someone aged 21 or older.In certain circumstances, such as at a sport event, and in possession of an appropriate certificate, you can possess a firearm under the age of 18. Tip:Some shooting ranges will set their own guidance, so it's best to check before you go. Websites like will be able to tell you more.The legal stuffIf you commit a crime and are found guilty by the Youth Court, you can be fined up to £1000 (this applies to me y'know I'm a real hardcore gangster)

I can officially do all this stuff I won't be able to do anyways, atlas I'll have the option to do it or not. 

Also my nan has a new boyfriend and they're looking after us and thEYRE HOLDING HANDS AWWWWWW.

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